17th International Workshop "European Vegetation Survey"
Using phytosociological data to address ecological questions
Brno, Czech Republic, 1-5 May 2008
Brno is the second largest city of the Czech Republic and the administrative centre of the region of South Moravia (southeastern part of the country). It is famous for its historical monuments and beautiful location at the border between the forested landscape of the Bohemian Massif and hilly landscapes on its foothills, which harbour the westernmost edge of the Euroasian forest-steppe. Gregor Mendel, the father of genetics, lived in Brno in 19th century and discovered his fundamental principles here.
The venue of the EVS workshop (including the course Analysis of phytosociological data using the JUICE program) is the Faculty of Education, located at the southern edge of the city centre near the Mendel's abbey.

The workshop venue: building of Faculty of Education, Masaryk University, Poříčí 9, Brno
City transport in Brno
Tickets can be obtained from tobacconists or ticket vending machines at transport hubs and important stops. Use either 10 CZK tickets (valid for 10 minutes, i.e. mostly for up to three stops, no change allowed) or 15 CZK tickets (valid for 60 minutes, changes possible).
Most buses from Prague and Vienna arrive at bus station (autobusové nádraží) Hotel Grand, which is close to main train station (hlavní nádraží). If you arrive at bus station Zvonařka (which is a less convenient option), take tram no. 12 (destination Červinkova) to the main train station.
From the main train station (and bus station Hotel Grand) to Hotel Continental: take tram no. 1 (destination Řečkovice), get off at Moravské náměstí (2nd or 3rd stop), walk 200 m to the left (with a park on your left-hand side), turn right around the car parking house to Kounicova street. Hotel is a high house on the right-hand side of the street 150 m from its beginning.
From the main train station (and bus station Hotel Grand) to Hotel Garni Vinařská: take tram no. 1 (destination Bystrc), get off at Lipová (7th stop), walk up Lipová street, turn to the right after 150 m and find the hotel.
From the main train station (and bus station Hotel Grand) to the workshop and JUICE course venue (Faculty of Education, Poříčí 9): take tram no. 2 (destination Modřice), get off at Poříčí (4th stop). The building of the Faculty of Education is next to the tram stop.
From Hotel Continental to the workshop and JUICE course venue (Faculty of Education, Poříčí 9): walk 300 m towards two churches (yellowish baroque one and gothic one with green roof) until you encounter tram line at the Česká station. Take tram 5, 6 or 7 (destinations Starý Lískovec, Bohunice or Ústřední hřbitov), get off at Poříčí (4th stop). The building of the Faculty of Education is next to the tram stop.
From Hotel Garni Vinařská to the workshop and JUICE course venue (Faculty of Education, Poříčí 9): take tram no. 1 from Lipová station (destination Řečkovice), get of at Mendlovo náměstí (3rd stop), walk 400 m to the right along Křížová street up to its crossing with Poříčí street, where you find Faculty of Education bulding on your left-hand side.
Car parking facilities are good near the Garni Hotel Vinařská and in the paid parking house near the Continental Hotel, but it may be difficult to park near the Faculty of Education.