17th International Workshop "European Vegetation Survey"
Using phytosociological data to address ecological questions
Brno, Czech Republic, 1-5 May 2008
The following excursions are planned:
2 May – field excursion for workshop participants (accompanying persons are also welcome) to the Pavlov Hills (see map, spot A), a limestone area south of Brno with vegetation of Pannonian steppe and thermophilous oak woodlands – see botanical guide, and Pouzdřany Steppe – see botanical guide
3 May – excursion for accompanying persons to the Moravian Karst (see map, spot B), visit in the caves, boat cruise on the underground Punkva river, world-famous Macocha abyss, and some sites of cultural interest – see tourist guide. Temperature in the caves is 8 °C – adequate clothes are necessary. This excursion will be finished before the evening garden party, so as the excursion participants can take part in it.
5 May – field excursion for workshop participants (accompanying persons are also welcome) to the Podyjí/Thayatal National Park (see map, spot C) southwest of Brno near the Czech-Austrian border, with a river valley deeply cut in granites and gneisses of the Bohemian Massif, different types of broadleaved deciduous woodlands, patches of dry grasslands and a mosaic of heathland and acidic steppe – see botanical guide. This excursion will be finished at about 7 pm. If you register for this excursion, do not plan departure from Brno in the afternoon!