17th International Workshop "European Vegetation Survey"
Using phytosociological data to address ecological questions
Brno, Czech Republic, 1-5 May 2008
Programme Committee
Milan Chytrý (Brno, CZ)
Ladislav Mucina (Stellenbosch, ZA)
Sandro Pignatti (Rome, IT)
John S. Rodwell (Lancaster, UK)
Joop H. J. Schaminée (Wageningen, NL)
Lubomír Tichý (Brno, CZ)
Local Organizers
Vegetation Science Group, Masaryk University, Brno
Štěpánka Králová
Department of Botany and Zoology
Masaryk University
Kotlářská 2
CZ-611 37 Brno, Czech Republic
e-mail: kralova@sci.muni.cz