17th International Workshop "European Vegetation Survey"
Using phytosociological data to address ecological questions
Brno, Czech Republic, 1-5 May 2008
Workshop focus
Phytosociological relevés have been traditionally used for description of plant communities across landscapes. Although this focus remains central in most current projects of vegetation survey, the wealth of data contained in phytosociological databases has an unrivalled potential for addressing various research questions spanning from population ecology through community ecology to macroecology. The aim of this workshop is exploring how phytosociological data can be used for asking and answering ecological questions, and what are the potential pitfalls of such studies. This broad topic can be divided into the following partial topics:
Macroecological analyses
- Large-scale patterns of species richness and beta diversity
- Patterns of plant traits across habitats and landscapes
Vegetation change as a part of the processes of global change
- Vegetation and climate change
- Vegetation and land-use change
- Habitat invasibility by alien plants
Problems of quality of phytosociological data
- Effects of field sampling design on data analysis
- Using phytosociological data for other purposes than they were originally sampled for
- Pitfalls of using phytosociological data and ecological indicator values
Besides the main workshop topic, there will be room for presentations of progress in vegetation survey in different countries and new developments in vegetation survey. Presentations not falling in the main workshop topic will be preferably given in the poster sessions.
The workshop will include the following optional activities:
- Pre-workshop course „Analysis of phytosociological data using the JUICE program“ organized by Lubomír Tichý and Milan Chytrý
- Post-workshop excursion to the Podyjí/Thayatal National Park