2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005
Plant Systematics | Vegetation Research | Mire Ecology | Invertebrates Research
Parazitology | Hydrobiology | Vertebratology | Cryptogamology
- Burton A.C., Beirne C., Gaynor K.M., Sun C., Granados A., Allen M.L., Alston J.M., Alvarenga G.C., Calderón F.S.Á., Amir Z., Anhalt-Depies C., Appel C., Arroyo-Arce S., Balme G., Bar-Massada A., Barcelos D., Barr E., Barthelmess E.L., Baruzzi C., Basak S.M., Beenaerts N., Belmaker J., Belova O., Bezarević B., Bird T., Bogan D.A., Bogdanović N., Boyce A., Boyce M., Brandt L., Brodie J.F., Brooke J., Bubnicki J.W., Cagnacci F., Carr B.S., Carvalho J., Casaer J., Černe R., Chen R., Chow E., Churski M., Cincotta C., Ćirović D., Coates T.D., Compton J., Coon C., Cove M.V., Crupi A.P., Farra S.D., Darracq A.K., Davis M., Dawe K., De Waele V., Descalzo E., Diserens T.A., Drimaj J., Duľa M., Ellis-Felege S., Ellison C., Ertürk A., Fantle-Lepczyk J., Favreau J., Fennell M., Ferreras P., Ferretti F., Fiderer C., Finnegan L., Fisher J.T., Fisher-Reid M.C., Flaherty E.A., Fležar U., Flousek J., Foca J.M., Ford A., Franzetti B., Frey S., Fritts S., Frýbová Š., Furnas B., Gerber B., Geyle H.M., Giménez D.G., Giordano A.J., Gomercic T., Gompper M.E., Gräbin D.M., Gray M., Green A., Hagen R., Hagen R.B., Hammerich S., Hanekom C., Hansen C., Hasstedt S., Hebblewhite M., Heurich M., Hofmeester T.R., Hubbard T., Jachowski D., Jansen P.A., Jaspers K.J., Jensen A., Jordan M., Kaizer M.C., Kelly M.J., Kohl M.T., Kramer-Schadt S., Krofel M., Krug A., Kuhn K.M., Kuijper D.P.J., Kuprewicz E.K., Kusak J., Kutal M., Lafferty D.J.R., LaRose S., Lashley M., Lathrop R., Lee T.E. Jr, Lepczyk C., Lesmeister D.B., Licoppe A., Linnell M., Loch J., Long R., Lonsinger R.C., Louvrier J., Luskin M.S., MacKay P., Maher S., Manet B., Mann G.K.H., Marshall A.J., Mason D., McDonald Z., McKay T., McShea W.J., Mechler M., Miaud C., Millspaugh J.J., Monteza-Moreno C.M., Moreira-Arce D., Mullen K., Nagy C., Naidoo R., Namir I., Nelson C., O'Neill B., O'Mara M.T., Oberosler V., Osorio C., Ossi F., Palencia P., Pearson K., Pedrotti L., Pekins C.E., Pendergast M., Pinho F.F., Plhal R., Pocasangre-Orellana X., Price M., Procko M., Proctor M.D., Ramalho E.E., Ranc N., Reljic S., Remine K., Rentz M., Revord R., Reyna-Hurtado R., Risch D., Ritchie E.G., Romero A., Rota C., Rovero F., Rowe H., Rutz C., Salvatori M., Sandow D., Schalk C.M., Scherger J., Schipper J., Scognamillo D.G., Şekercio?lu Ç.H., Semenzato P., Sevin J., Shamon H., Shier C., Silva-Rodríguez E.A., Sindicic M., Smyth L.K., Soyumert A., Sprague T., St Clair C.C., Stenglein J., Stephens P.A., Stępniak K.M., Stevens M., Stevenson C., Ternyik B., Thomson I., Torres R.T., Tremblay J., Urrutia T., Vacher J.P., Visscher D., Webb S.L., Weber J., Weiss K.C.B., Whipple L.S., Whittier C.A., Whittington J., Wierzbowska I., Wikelski M., Williamson J., Wilmers C.C., Windle T., Wittmer H.U., Zharikov Y., Zorn A. & Kays R. (2024): Mammal responses to global changes in human activity vary by trophic group and landscape. Nature Ecology and Evolution 8: 924-935. -
- Dianat M., Konečný A., Lavrenchenko L.A., Peterhans J.C.K., Demos T.C., Nicolas V., Ortiz D. & Bryja J. (2024): How to cross the desert if you are small and need mountains? Out-of-Ethiopia dispersal in Afromontane shrews. Journal of Biogeography 51: 230-245. -
- Dyková I., Žák J., Blažek R., Zimmermann H., Polačik M., Bartáková V. & Reichard M. (2024): Oogenesis, spermatogenesis and spermiation structures in Lake Tanganyika Synodontis species (Mochokidae, Telostei: Siluriformes). Journal of Vertebrate Biology 73: 1-32. -
- Englmaier F.K., Blažek R., Zimmermann H., Bartáková B., Polačik M., Žák J., Mulokozi D.P., Katongo C., Büscher H.H., Mabo L., Koblmüller S., Palandačić A. & Reichard M. (2024): Revised taxonomy of Synodontis catfishes (Siluriformes: Mochokidae) from the Lake Tanganyika basin reveals lower species diversity than expected. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 202: zlae130. -
- Fořtová A., Straková P., Haviernik J., Svoboda P., Bartonička T., Kvičerová J., Růžek D. & Salát J. (2024): Brno loanvirus (BRNV) in bats inhabiting the urban area of Brno, Czech Republic. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 121: 1-4. -
- Homola M., Büttner C.R., Füzik T., Křepelka P., Holbová R., Nováček J., Chaillet M.L., Žák J., Grybchuk D., Förster F., Wilson W.H., Schroeder D.C. & Plevka P. (2024): Structure and replication cycle of a virus infecting climate-modulating alga Emiliania huxleyi. Science Advances 10: 1-13. -
- Hubáček J. & Gvoždík L. (2024): Terrestrial amphibians respond to rapidly changing temperatures with individual plasticity of exploratory behaviour. Journal of Thermal Biology 119: 103757. -
- Jurečka M., Andrášik R., Čermák P., Danzinger F., Plutzar C., Grillmayer R., Mikita T. & Bartonička T. (2024): Influence of land use intensity on ecological corridors and wildlife crossings' effectiveness: comparison of 2 pilot areas in Austria. Nature Conservation 57: 143-171. -
- Lučan R.K. & Bartonička T. (2024): Diurnal activity in an insectivorous bat during migration period. Journal of Mammalogy 105: 643-651. -
- Macholán M., Baird S.J.E., Fornůsková A., Ďureje Ľ., Burgstaller J.P., de Bellocq J.G., Heitlinger E., Klusáčková P., Koshev J. & Piálek J. (2024): A reappraisal of mitochondrial DNA introgression in the Mus musculus musculus/Mus musculus domesticus hybrid zone suggests ancient North-European associations between mice and humans. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 202: zlae110. -
- Macholán M., Daniszova K., Hamplová P. Janotová K., Kašný M., Mikula O., Vošlajerová Bímová B & Hiadlovská Z. (2024): Rank-dependency of major urinary protein excretion in two house mouse subspecies. Journal of Vertebrate Biology 73: 23046 -
- Meheretu Y., Mikula O,, Frynta D., Frýdlová P., Mulualem G., Lavrenchenko L.A., Kostin D.S., Elmi H.S.A., Radim Šumbera & Bryja J. (2024): Phylogeny, biogeography, and integrative taxonomic revision of the Afro-Arabian rodent genus Ochromyscus (Muridae: Murinae: Praomyini). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 202: zlad158. -
- Nečas T., Kielgast J., Chinemerem I.G., Rödel M.-O., Dolinay M. & Gvoždík V. (2024): The phylogenetic position of Hyperolius sankuruensis (Anura: Hyperoliidae) reveals biogeographical affinity between the central Congo and West Africa, and illuminates the taxonomy of Hyperolius concolor. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 202: zlae046. -
- Nečas T., Mazuch T., Czurda J., Elmi H.S. A., Rödel M.O. & & Gvoždík V. (2024): Evolutionary relationships in the African frog family Ptychadenidae, including the first molecular analysis, range extension, and distribution modelling of the monotypic genus Lanzarana. African Journal of Herpetology 73: 236-260. -
- Oborová V., Šugerková M. & Gvoždík L. (2024): Sensitivity of amphibian embryos to timing and magnitude of present and future thermal extremes. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology 341: 377-388. -
- Sasínková M., Křemenová J., Chajma P., Bartonička T., Massino C., Otti O. & Balvín O. (2024): Changes in body size and fertility due to artificial and natural feeding of laboratory common bed bugs (Heteroptera: Cimicidae). Journal of medical entomology 61: 34-45. -
- Twort V.G., Laine V.N., Field K.A., Whiting-Fawcett F., Ito F., Reiman M., Bartonička T., Fritze M., Ilyukha V.A., Belkin V.V., Khizhkin E.A., Reeder D.M., Fukui D., Jiang T.L. & Lilley T.M. (2024): Signals of positive selection in genomes of palearctic Myotis-bats coexisting with a fungal pathogen. BMC Genomics 25: 828. -
- Vágási C.I., Vincze O., Kotasová Adámková M., Kauzálová T., Lendvai Á.Z., Pătraş L.I., Pénzes J., Pap P.L., Albrecht T. & Tomášek O. (2024): Songbirds avoid the oxidative stress costs of high blood glucose levels: a comparative study. Journal of Experimental Biology 227: jeb246848. -
- Welegerima K., Meheretu Y., Bryja J., Mulualem G., Hayelom W., Kedir F., Massawe A.W., Mbije N.E. & Makundi R.H. (2024): Afromontane mosaic vegetation acts as a barrier between small mammals from two savannah biomes in northern Ethiopia. Biodiversity and Conservation 33: 1459-1478. -
- Zukal J., Mrhálek P., Pikula J., Seidlová V. & Zukalová K. (2024): Gestation phenology of the greater mouse-eared bat (Myotis myotis). Journal of Vertebrate Biology 73: 1-11. -
- Žagar A., Dajčman U., Megía-Palma R., Simčič T., Barroso F.M., Baškiera S. & Carretero M.A. (2024): Analysis of subcellular energy metabolism in five Lacertidae lizards across varied environmental conditions. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology -Part A : Molecular and Integrative Physiology 297: 111729. -
- Žák J., Pojezdal Ľ. & Dyková I. (2024): Spontaneous exophytic tumour in Nothobranchius furzeri, an aging research model. Journal of Fish Diseases 47: 1-5. -
- Žák J. & Šuhajová P. (2024): The effect of water turbidity on prey consumption and female feeding patterns in African turquoise killifish. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 33: e12774. -
- Bachorec E., Pikula J., Seidlová V., Zukalová K. & Zukal J. (2023): Hibernation strategy - related profound differences in the whole-body fat composition of bats. Journal of Vertebrate Biology 72: 1-9. -
- Baird S.J.E., Hiadlovská Z., Daniszová K., Piálek J. & Macholán M. (2023): A gene copy number arms race in action: X,Y-chromosome transmission distortion across a species barrier. Evolution 77: 1330-1340. -
- Bartonička T., Křemenová J., Balvín O., Šimek Z. & Otti O. (2023): Age-related mating rates among ecologically distinct lineages of bedbugs, Cimex lectularius. Frontiers in Zoology 20: 25. -
- Bíl M., Andrášik R., Kušta T. & Bartonička T. (2023): Ungulate-vehicle crashes peak a month earlier than 38 years ago due to global warming. Climatic Change 176: 84. -
- Blažek J., Konečný A., Andreas M. & Bartonička T. (2023): Morphological size determination of moths in bat faeces opens possibilities to prey quantification. Biologia 78: 3179-3187. -
- Cuypers L.N., Gryseels S., NVan Houtte N., Baird S.J.E., Sabuni C.A., Katakweba A.S., van den Burg S.R.M., Bryja J., Leirs H. & de Bellocq J.G. (2023): Subspecific rodent taxa as the relevant host taxonomic level for mammarenavirus host specificity. Virology 581: 116-127. -
- De Bellocq J.G. , Fornůsková A., Ďureje Ľ., Bartákova V., Daniszová K., Dianat M., Janča M., Šabata P., Šeneklová N., Stodůlka T., Vošlajerova? Bímová B. & Macholán M. (2023): First record of the greater white-toothed shrew, Crocidura russula, in the Czech Republic. Journal of Vertebrate Biology 72: 1-9. -
- Dianat M., Voet I., Ortiz D., de Bellocq J.G., Cuypers L.N., Kryštufek B., Bureš M., Čížková D., Bryjová A., Bryja J., Nicolas V. & Konečný A. (2023): Cryptic diversity of Crocidura shrews in the savannahs of Eastern and Southern Africa. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 180: 107708. -
- Gajdárová B., EBelotti E., Bufka L., Volfová J., Wölfl S., Mináriková T., Hollerbach L., Duľa M., Kleven O., Kutal M., Nowak C., Ozoli?š J., Tám B., Bryja J., Koubek P. & Krojerová-Prokešová J. (2023): Long-term genetic monitoring of a reintroduced Eurasian lynx population does not indicate an ongoing loss of genetic diversity. Global Ecology and Conservation 42: e02399. -
- Gvoždík V., Nečas T., Jablonski D., Moriarty Lemmon E., Lemmon A.R., Jandzik D. & Moravec J. (2023): Phylogenomics of Anguis and Pseudopus (Squamata, Anguidae) indicates Balkan-Apennine mitochondrial capture associated with the Messinian event. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 180: 107674. -
- Haileselasie T.H., Mulualem G. & Welegerima K. (2023): The first large-scale record of gelada's spatial distribution and population size in Mountain chains of Tigray, Northern Ethiopia. Heliyon 9: e19346. -
- Hánová A., Bryja J., de Bellocq J.F., Baird S.J.E., Cuypers L., Konečný A. & Mikula O. (2023): Historical demography and climatic niches of the Natal multimammate mouse (Mastomys natalensis) in the Zambezian region. Mammalian Biology 103: 239-251. -
- Harazim M., Perrot J., Varet H., Bourhy H., Lannoy J., Pikula J., Seidlová V., Dacheux L. & Martínková N. (2023): Transcriptomic responses of bat cells to European bat lyssavirus 1 infection under conditions simulating euthermia and hibernation. BMC Immunology 24: 7. -
- Krojerová-Prokešová J., Gajdárová B., Reiners T.E., Bolechová P., Kleven O., Koubek P., Nowak C., Ozoliņš J., Tám B., Voloshina I. &Vallo P. (2023): Ex situ versus in situ Eurasian lynx populations: implications for successful breeding and genetic rescue. Conservation Genetics 24: 203-217. -
- Macholán M., Daniszová K. & Hiadlovská Z. (2023): The Expansion of House Mouse Major Urinary Protein Genes Likely Did Not Facilitate Commensalism with Humans. Genes 14: 1-14. -
- Martynov A.A., Zemlemerova E.D., Kostin D.S., Komarova V.A., Gromov A.R., Yihune M., Tsegaye A., Alexandrov D.Y., Bekele A., Bryja J. & Lavrenchenko L.A. (2023): Uncovering the diversity of rodents and shrews in the Chebera Churchura National Park, Ethiopia. 87: 451-463. Mammalia -
- Meheretu Y., Mikula O., Frynta D., Frýdlová P., Mulualem G., Lavrenchenko L.A., Kostin D.S., Elmi H.S.A., Šumbera R. & Bryja J. (2023): Phylogeny, biogeography, and integrative taxonomic revision of the Afro-Arabian rodent genus Ochromyscus (Muridae: Murinae: Praomyini). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad158 -
- Míčková K., Tomášek O., Jelínek V., Šulc M., Pazdera L., Albrechtová J. & Albrecht T. (2023): Age-related changes in sperm traits and evidence for aging costs of sperm production in a sexually promiscuous passerine. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11: 1105596. -
- Mizerovská D., Martynov A.A., Mikula O., Bryjová A., Meheretu Y., Lavrenchenko L.A. & Josef Bryja J. (2023): Genomic diversity, evolutionary history, and species limits of the endemic Ethiopian laminate-toothed rats (genus Otomys, Rodentia: Muridae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 199: 1059-1077. -
- Mizerovská D., Špoutil F., Claude J., Lavrenchenko L.A., Procházka J., Bryja J. & Mikula O. (2023): Parallel Evolution of Skull Form in Three Rodent Genera Inhabiting Steep Elevational Gradients of Ethiopian Highlands. Evolutionary Biology 50: 332-349. -
- Mulualem G., Collinson W.J., Tesfahunegny W., Walle M., Kassie A.,Mesfin M., Chala D., Teferi M. & Haileselasie T.H. (2023): Examining vertebrate road mortality on highways passing through protected areas of eastern Ethiopia. European Journal of Wildlife Research 69: 117. -
- Pikula J., Piacek V., Bandouchova H., Bartlova M., Bednarikova S., Burianova R., Danek O., Danek O., Jedlicka P., Mašová Š., Nemcova M., Seidlova V., Zukalova K. & Zukal J. (2023): Case report: Filarial infection of a parti-coloured bat: Litomosa sp. adult worms in abdominal cavity and microfilariae in bat semen. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 10: 1284025. - ttps://
- Reichard M., Koblmüller S., Blažek R., Zimmermann H., Katongo C., Bryjová A. & Bryja J. (2023): Lack of host specialization despite selective host use in brood parasitic cuckoo catfish. Molecular Ecology 32: 6070-6082. -
- Sasínková M., Balvín O., Vandrovcová J., Massino C., Weig A.R., Reinhardt K., Otti O. & Bartonička T. (2023): Despite genetic isolation in sympatry, post-copulatory reproductive barriers have not evolved between bat- and human-associated common bedbugs (Cimex lectularius L.). Frontiers in Zoology 20: 36. -
- Seidlova V., Pikula J., Kolarik M., Nováková A., Cmokova A., Ghazaryan A., Nemcova M., Bednarikova S., Patra S., Kokurewicz T., Piacek V. & Zukal J. (2023): Higher white-nose syndrome fungal isolate yields from UV-guided wing biopsies compared with skin swabs and optimal culture media. BMC Veterinary Research 19: 40. -
- Součková K., Jasík M., Sovadinová I., Sember A., Sychrová E., Konieczna A., Bystrý V., Dyková I., Blažek R., Lukšíková K., Pavlica T., Jankásek M., Altmanová M., Žák J., Zbončáková A., Reichard M. & Slabý O. (2023): From fish to cells: Establishment of continuous cell lines from embryos of annual killifish Nothobranchius furzeri and N. kadleci. Aquatic Toxicology 259: 106517. -
- Žák J., Anil A.N. & Dyková I. (2023): Dissolved oxygen saturation is crucial for gas bladder inflation in turquoise killifish (Nothobranchius furzeri). Environmental Biology of Fishes 106: 673-683. -
- Baškiera S. & Gvoždík L. (2022): Individual Variation in Thermal Reaction Norms Reveals Metabolic-Behavioral Relationships in an Ectotherm. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10: 850941. -
- Bíl M. & Bartonička T. (2022): Zvířata na silnicích. Brno : Masarykova univerzita : Centrum dopravního výzkumu v.v.i. 209 s. ISBN 978-80-210-9933-3.
- Bryja J., Meheretu A., Boratyński Z., Zeynu A., Denys C., Mulualem G., Welegerima K., Bryjová A., Kasso M., Kostin D.S., Martynov A.A. & Lavrenchenko L.A. (2022): Rodents of the Afar Triangle (Ethiopia): geographical isolation causes high level of endemism. Biodiversity and Conservation 31: 629-650. -
- Cuypers L.N., Sabuni C., Šumbera R., Aghová T., Lišková E., Leirs H., Baird S.J.E., de Bellocq J.G. & Bryja J. (2022): Biogeographical Importance of the Livingstone Mountains in Southern Tanzania: Comparative Genetic Structure of Small Non-volant Mammals. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 742851. -
- Horák K., Bobek L., Adámková M., Kauzál O., Kauzálová T., Manialeu J.P., Nguelefack T.B., Nana E.D., Jønsson K.A., Munclinger P., Hořák D., Sedláček O., Tomášek O. & Albrecht T. (2022): Feather growth and quality across passerines is explained by breeding rather than moulting latitude. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. Royal Society 289: 20212404. -
- Kauzálová T., Tomášek O., Mulder E., Verhulst S. & Albrecht T. (2022): Telomere length is highly repeatable and shorter in individuals with more elaborate sexual ornamentation in a short-lived passerine. Molecular Ecology 31: 6172-6183. -
- Krásová J., Mikula O., Lavrenchenko L.A., Šumbera R., Meheretu Y. & Bryja J. (2022): A new rodent species of the genus Mus (Rodentia: Muridae) confirms the biogeographical uniqueness of the isolated forests of southern Ethiopia. Organisms Diversity & Evolution 22: 491-509. -
- Kuhn J.H., Adkins S., Alkhovsky S.V., Avšič-Županc T., Ayllón M.A., Bahl J., Balkema-Buschmann A., Ballinger M.J., Bandte M., Beer M., Bejerman N., Bergeron É., Biedenkopf N., Bigarré L., Blair C.D., Blasdell K.R., Bradfute S.B., Briese T., Brown P.A., Bruggmann R., Buchholz U.J., Buchmeier M.J., Bukreyev A., Burt F., Büttner C., Calisher C., Candresse T., Carson J., Casas I., Chandran K., Charrel R.N., Chiaki Y., Crane A., Crane M., Dacheux L., Bó E.D., de la Torre J.C., de Lamballerie X., de Souza W.M., de Swart R.L., Dheilly N.M., Di Paola N., Di Serio F., Dietzgen R.G., Digiaro M., Drexler J.F., Duprex W.P., Dürrwald R., Easton A.J., Elbeaino T., Ergünay K., Feng G., Feuvrier C., Firth A.E., Fooks A.R., Formenty P.B.H., FreitasAstúa J., Gago-Zachert S., García M.L., García-Sastre A., Garrison A.R., Godwin S.E., Gonzalez J.J., de Bellocq J.G., Griffiths A., Groschup M.H., Günther S., Hammond J., Hepojoki J., Hierweger M.M., Hongō S., Horie M., Horikawa H., Hughes H.R., Hume A.J., Hyndman T.H., Jiāng D., Jonson G.B., Junglen S., Kadono F., Karlin D.G., Klempa B., Klingström J., Koch M.C., Kondō H., Koonin E.V., Krásová J., Krupovic M., Kubota K., Kuzmin I.V., Laenen L., Lambert A.J., Li J., Li JM, Lieffrig F., Lukashevich I.S., Luo D., Maes P., Marklewitz M., Marshall S.H., Marzano S.L., McCauley J.W., Mirazimi A., Mohr P.G., Moody N.J.G., Morita Y., Morrison R.N., Mühlberger E., Naidu R., Natsuaki T., Navarro J.A., Neriya Y., Netesov S.V., Neumann G., Nowotny N., Ochoa-Corona F.M., Palacios G., Pallandre L., Pallás V., Papa A., Paraskevopoulou S., Parrish C.R., Pauvolid-Corrêa A., Pawęska J.T., Pérez D.R., Pfaff F., Plemper R.K., Postler T.S., Pozet F., Radoshitzky S.R., Ramos-González P.L., Rehanek M., Resende R.O., Reyes C.A., Romanowski V., Rubbenstroth D., Rubino L., Rumbou A., Runstadler J.A., Rupp M., Sabanadzovic S., Sasaya T., Schmidt-Posthaus H., Schwemmle M., Seuberlich T., Sharpe S.R., Shi M., Sironi M., Smither S., Song J.W., Spann K.M., Spengler J.R., Stenglein M.D., Takada A., Tesh R.B., Těšíková J., Thornburg N.J., Tischler N.D., Tomitaka Y., Tomonaga K., Tordo N., Tsunekawa K., Turina M., Tzanetakis I.E., Vaira A.M., van den Hoogen B., Vanmechelen B., Vasilakis N., Verbeek M., von Bargen S., Wada J., Wahl V., Walker P.J., Whitfield A.E., Williams J.V., Wolf Y.I., Yamasaki J., Yanagisawa H., Ye G., Zhang Y.Z. & Økland A.L. (2022): 2022 taxonomic update of phylum Negarnaviricota (Riboviria: Orthornavirae), including the large orders Bunyavirales and Mononegavirales. Archives of Virology 167: 2857-2906. -
- Kvapil P., Tomášek O., Bártová E., Harej M., Kastelic M., Primožič T., Kašpárková N. & Račnik J. (2022): Validation of Medicinal Leeches (Hirudo medicinalis) as a Non-invasive Blood Sampling Tool for Hematology and Biochemistry Profiling in Mammals. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 9: 831836. -
- Linhart P., Bandouchova H., Zukal J., Votýpka J., Baláž V., Heger T., Kalocsanyiova K., Kubickova A., Nemcova M., Sedlackova J., Seidlova V., Veitova L., Vlaschenko A., Divinova R. & Pikula J. (2022): Blood Parasites and Health Status of Hibernating and Non-Hibernating Noctule Bats (Nyctalus noctula). Microorganisms 10: 1028. -
- Mahmoudi A., Golenishchev F.N., Malikov V.G., Arslan A., Pavlova S.V., Petrova T.V. & Kryštufek B. (2022): Taxonomic evaluation of the "irani-schidlovskii" species complex (Rodentia: Cricetidae) in the Middle East: a morphological and genetic combination. Zoologischer Anzeiger 300: 1-11. -
- Massino C., Wetzker C., Balvin O., Bartonička T., Kremenova J., Sasinkova M., Otti O. & Reinhardt K. (2022): Seminal fluid and sperm diluent affect sperm metabolism in an insect: Evidence from NAD(P)H and flavin adenine dinucleotide autofluorescence lifetime imaging. Microscopy Research and Technique 85: 398-411. -
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- Wawrocka K., Balvín O. & Bartonička T. (2015): Reproduction barrier between two lineages of bed bug (Cimex lectularius)(Heteroptera: Cimicidae). Parasitology Research 114: 3019-3025. - fulltext on SpringerLink
- Zemanová B., Hájková P., Hájek B., Martínková N., Mikulíček P., Zima J. & Bryja J. (2015): Extremely low genetic variation in endangered Tatra chamois and evidence for hybridization with an introduced Alpine population. Conservation Genetics 16: 729-741.
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- Balvín O. & Bartonička T. (2014): Cimicids and bat hosts in the Czech and Slovak Republics: ecology and distribution. Vespertilio 17: 23-36. - fulltext in pdf
- Balvín O., Bartonička T., Simov N., Paunović M. & Vilímová J. (2014): Distribution and host relations of species of the genus Cimex on bats in Europe. Folia Zoologica 63: 281-289. - fulltext in pdf
- Bartonička T. & Gaisler J. (2014): A brief history of the Czech Bat Conservation Trust. Vespertilio 17: 15-21. - fulltext in pdf
- Berková H., Pokorný M. & Zukal J. (2014): Selection of buildings as maternity roosts by greater mouse-eared bats (Myotis myotis). Journal of Mammalogy 95: 1011-1017.
- Fornuskova A., Bryja J., Vinkler M., Macholán M. & Piálek J. (2014): Contrasting patterns of polymorphism and selection in bacterial-sensing toll-like receptor 4 in two house mouse subspecies. Ecology and Evolution 4: 2931-2944. - fulltext in pdf
- Fornůsková A., Petit E.J., Bartonička T., Kaňuch P., Butet A., Řehák Z. & Bryja J. (2014): Strong matrilineal structure in common pipistrelle bats (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) is associated with variability in echolocation calls. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 113: 1115-1125. - fulltext in Wiley Online Library
- He X., Korytář T., Zhu Y., Pikula J., Bandouchova H., Zukal J. & Köllner B. (2014): Establishment of Myotis myotis Cell Lines - Model for Investigation of Host-Pathogen Interaction in a Natural Host for Emerging Viruses. PLoS ONE 9: e109795.
- Hiadlovská Z., Macholán M., Mikula O. & Vošlajerová Bímová B. (2014): The meek inherit the earth: less aggressive wild mice are more successful in challenging situations. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 113: 310-319. - fulltext in Wiley Online Library
- Horáček I., Bartonička T., Lučan R.K. & the Czech Bat Conservation Trust. (2014): Macroecological characteristics of bat geomycosis in the Czech Republic: results of five years of monitoring. Vespertilio 17: 65-77. - fulltext in pdf
- Lučan R.K., Bartonička T., Benda P., Bilgin R., Jedlička P., Nicolaou H., Reiter A., Shohdi W.M., Šálek M., Řeřucha Š., Uhrin M., Abi-Said M. & Horáček I. (2014): Reproductive seasonality of the Egyptian fruit bat (Rousettus aegyptiacus) at the northern limits of its distribution. Journal of Mammalogy 95: 1036-1042.
- Meheretu Y., Šumbera R. & Bryja J. (2014): Enigmatic Ethiopian endemic rodent Muriculus imberbis (Rüppell 1842) represents a separate lineage within genus Mus. Mammalia 79: 15-23.
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- Turner G.G., Meteyer C.U., Barton H., Gumbs J.M., Reeder D.M., Overton B., Bandouchova H., Bartonička T., Martínkova N., Pikula J., Zukal J. & Bleher D.S. (2014): Nonlethal screening of bat-wing skin with the use of ultraviolet fluorescence to detect lesions indicative of white-nose syndrome. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 50: 566-573.
- Wawrocka K. & Bartonička T. (2014): Erythrocyte size as one of potential causes of host preferences in cimicids (Heteroptera: Cimicidae: Cimex). Vespertilio 17: 215-220.
- Zukal J., Bandouchova H., Bartonicka T., Berkova H., Brack V., Brichta J., Dolinay M., Jaron K.S., Kovacova V., Kovarik M., Martínková M., Ondracek K., Rehak Z., Turner G.G. & Pikula J. (2014): White-Nose Syndrome Fungus: A Generalist Pathogen of Hibernating Bats. PLoS ONE 9: e97224
- Bartáková V., Reichard M., Janko K., Polačik M., Blažek R., Reichwald K., Cellerino A. & Bryja J. (2013): Strong population genetic structuring in an annual fish, Nothobranchius furzeri, suggests multiple savannah refugia in southern Mozambique. BMC Evolutionary Biology 13: 196.
- Bartonička T. & Růžičková L. (2013): Recolonization of bat roost by bat bugs (Cimex pipistrelli): could parasite load be a cause of bat roost switching? Parasitology Research 112: 1615-122. - fulltext on SpringerLink
- Buzan E.V., Bryja J., Zemanová B. & Kryštufek B. (2013): Population genetics of chamois in the contact zone between the Alps and the Dinaric Mountains: uncovering the role of habitat fragmentation and past management. Conservation Genetics 14: 401-412. - fulltext on SpringerLink
- Ćosić N., Říčanová Š., Bryja J., Penezić A. & Ćirović D. (2013): Do rivers and human-induced habitat fragmentation affect genetic diversity and population structure of the European ground squirrel at the edge of its Pannonian range? Conservation Genetics 14: 345-354. - fulltext on SpringerLink
- Fornůsková A., Vinkler M., Pagés M., Galan M., Jousselin E., Cerqueira F., Morand S., Charbonne N., Bryja J. & Cosson J-F. (2013): Contrasted evolutionary histories of two Toll-like receptors (Tlr4 and Tlr7) in wild rodents (MURINAE). BMC Evolutionary Biology 13: 194.
- Gaisler J. & Schenková J. (2013): Species diversity of small mammals in a highland recreation cottage within 40 years (Rodentia, Eulipotyphla, Chiroptera). Lynx 44:13-25.
- Hiadlovská Z., Vošlajerová Bímová B., Mikula O., Piálek J. & Macholán M. (2013): Transgressive segregation in a behavioural trait? Explorative strategies in two house mouse subspecies and their hybrids. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 108: 225-235.
- Madej J.P., Mikulová L., Gorošová A., Mikula Š., Řehák Z., Tichý F. & Buchtová M. (2013): Skin structure and hair morphology of different body parts in the Common Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pipistrellus). Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 94: 478-489.
- Promerová M., Králová T., Bryjová A., Albrecht T. & Bryja J. (2013): MHC Class IIB Exon 2 Polymorphism in the Grey Partridge (Perdix perdix) Is Shaped by Selection, Recombination and Gene Conversion PLoS ONE 8: e9135. - fulltext pdf file
- Rymešová D., Tomášek O. & Šálek M. (2013): Differences in mortality rates, dispersal distances and breeding success of commercially reared and wild grey partridges in the Czech agricultural landscape. European Journal of Wildlife Research 59: 147-158. - fulltext on SpringerLink
- Říčanová Š., Koshev Y., Říčan O., Ćosić N., Ćirović D., Sedláček F. & Bryja J. (2013): Multilocus phylogeography of the European ground squirrel: cryptic interglacial refugia of continental climate in Europe. Molecular Ecology 22: 4256-4269. - fulltext in Wiley Online Library
- Wawrocka K. & Bartonička T. (2013): Two different lineages of bedbug (Cimex lectularius) reflected in host specificity. Parasitology Research 112: 3897-3904.
- Anděra M. & Gaisler J. (2012): Savci České republiky : popis, rozšíření, ekologie, ochrana. Academia, Praha, 285 pp.
- Baird S.J.E. & Macholán M. (2012): What can the Mus musculus musculus/M. m. domesticus hybrid zone tell us about speciation? In: Macholán, M., Baird, S.J.E., Munclinger, P., Piálek, J. (eds.): Evolution of The House Mouse. Cambridge Studies in Morphology and Molecules: New Paradigms in Evolutionary Biology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Pp. 334-372.
- Balvín O., Ševčík M., Jahelková H., Bartonička T., Orlová M. & Vilímová J. (2012): Transport of bugs of the genus Cimex (Heteroptera: Cimicidae) by bats in western Palaearctic. Vespertilio 16: 43-54.
- Bartonička T. & Růžičková L. (2012): Bat bugs (Cimex pipistrelli) and their impact on non-dwelling bats. Parasitology Research 111: 1233-1238. - fulltext on SpringerLink
- Bilgin R., Gürün K., Maraci Ö., Furman A., Hulva P., Çoraman E.,Lučan R.K., Bartonička T. & Horáček I. (2012): Syntopic Occurrence in Turkey Supports Separate Species Status for Miniopterus schreibersiischreibersii and M. schreibersii pallidus (Mammalia: Chiroptera). Acta Chiropterologica 14: 279-289.
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- Hiadlovská Z., Strnadová M., Macholán M. & Vošlajerová Bímová B. (2012): Is water really a barrier for the house mouse? A comparative study of two mouse subspecies. Folia Zoologica 61: 319-329.
- Hulva P., Marešová T., Dundarova H., Bilgin R., Benda P., Bartonička T. & Horáček I. (2012): Environmental margin and island evolution in Middle Eastern populations of the Egyptian fruit bat. Molecular Ecology 21: 6104-6116. - fulltext in Wiley Online Library
- Chytil J. & Gaisler J. (2012): Development of the Rhinolophus hipposideros population in southern Moravia, Czech Republic. Vespertilio 16: 131-137.
- Macholán M., Baird S.J.E., Munclinger P. & Piálek J. (2012): Evolution of the House Mouse. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. (Cambridge Studies in Morphology and Molecules: New Paradigms in Evolutionary Biology) 548 pp.
- Pikula J., Bandouchova H., Novotny L., Meteyer C.U., Zukal J., Irwin N.R.,Zima J. & Martínková N. (2012): Histopathology confirms white-nose syndrome in bats in Europe. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 48: 207-211.
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- Seifertová M., Bryja J., Vyskočilová M., Martínková N. & Šimková A. (2012): Multiple Pleistocene refugia and postglacial colonization in the European chub (Squalius cephalus) revealed by combined use of nuclear and mitochondrial markers. Journal of Biogeography 39: 1024-1040.
- Wawrocka K., Bartonička T. & Reiter A. (2012): Pipistrellus kuhlii, a bat species breeding and hibernating in the Czech Republic. Vespertilio 16: 351-356.
- Bartonička T. & Jedlička P. (2011): First record of Miniopterus schreibersii in the Czech Republic (Chiroptera: Miniopteridae). Lynx 42: 83-89.
- Bartonička T. & Jedlička P. (2011): Zařízení pro sledování pohybu zvířat opatřených vysílači. Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví, Praha patent č. 23077.
- Bartonička T. & Kutal M. (2011): Úkryty a lovecká aktivita netopýrů v parcích města Olomouce. Vespertilio 15: 43-53.
- Benda P., Abi-Said M., Bartonička T., Bilgin R., Faizolahi K., Lučan R., Nicolaou H., Reiter A., Shohdi W., Uhrin M. & Horáček I. (2011): Rousettus aegyptiacus (Pteropodidae) in the Palaearctic: list of records and revision of the distribution range. Vespertilio 15: 3-36.
- Gaisler J., Kovařík M. & Štefka L. (2011): Two unusual records of the lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros) in the Moravian Karst (Czech Republic). Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 22: 73-79.
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- Řeřucha Š., Bartonička T. & Jedlička P. (2011): GTAG: architecture and design of miniature transmitter with position logging for radio telemetry. Proc. SPIE 8008, Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments doi:10.1117/12.905083
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- Bartonička T. (2010): Olfactory communication in cryptic species of pipistrelles, Pipistrellus pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus. In A tribute to bats. Kostelec nad Černými lesy : Lesnická práce. Pp. 270-273.
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- Bartonička T., Kaňuch P., Bímová B. & Bryja J. (2010): Olfactory discrimination between two cryptic species of bats Pipistrellus pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus. Folia Zoologica 59: 175-182.
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- Bartonička T. & Řehák Z. (2010): Roost switching and activity pattern of the soprano pipistrelle Pipistrellus pygmaeus revealed by radio-tracking. In A tribute to bats. Kostelec nad Černými lesy : Lesnická práce, s.r.o. Pp. 277-279.
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- Bryja J., Uhrin M., Kaňuch P., Bémová P., Martínková N. & Zukal J. (2010): Mitochondrial DNA confirms low genetic variation of the greater mouse-eared bats, Myotis myotis, in Central Europe. Acta Chiropterologica 12: 73-81.
- Buzan E.V., Krystufek B. & Bryja J. (2010): Microsatellite markers confirm extensive population fragmentation of the endangered Balkan palaeoendemic Martino's vole (Dinaromys bogdanovi). Conservation Genetics 11: 1783-1794.
- Gaisler J. (2010): The bats of Afghanistan. In: Horáček I. & Uhrin M. (eds). A Tribute to Bats. Kostelec nad Černými lesy : Lesnická práce. Pp. 291-292.
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- Gaisler J. (2010): The lesser horseshoe bat's tale. In: Horáček I. & Uhrin M. (eds): A Tribute to Bats. Lesnická práce, Kostelec nad Černými lesy. Pp. 286-289.
- Gaisler J. & Bartonička T. (2010): Results of bat census in the city of Brno. In: Horáček I. & Uhrin M. (eds). A Tribute to Bats. Kostelec nad Černými lesy : Lesnická práce. Pp. 298-301.
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- Hulva P., Fornůsková A., Chudárková A., Evin A., Allergini B., Benda P. & Bryja J. (2010): Mechanisms of radiation in a bat group from the genus Pipistrellus inferred by phylogeography, demography and population genetics. Molecular Ecology 19: 5417-5431.
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- Martínková N., Bačkor P., Bartonička T., Blažková P., Červený J., Falteisek L., Gaisler J., Hanzal V., Horáček D., Hubálek Z., Jahelková H., Kolařík M., Korytár Ľ., Kubátová A., Lehotská B., Lehotský R., Lučan R., Májek O., Matějů J., Řehák Z., Šafář J., Tájek P., Tkadlec E., Uhrin M., Wagner J., Weinfurtová D., Zima J., Zukal J. & Horáček I. (2010): Increasing Incidence of Geomyces destructans fungus in bats from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. PLoS ONE 5: e13853.
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- Gaisler J., Řehák Z. & Bartonička T. (2009): Bat casualties by road traffic (Brno-Vienna). Acta Theriologica 54: 147-155. - fulltext in pdf
- Krystufek B., Bryja J. & Buzan E.V. (2009): Mitochondrial phylogeography of the European ground squirrel Spermophilus citellus yields evidence on refugia for steppic taxa in the Southern Balkans. Heredity 103: 129-135. - fulltext in pdf
- Lučan R.K., Andreas M., Benda P., Bartonička T., Březinová T., Hoffmannová A., Hulová Š., Hulva P., Neckářová J., Reiter A., Svačina T., Šálek M. & Horáček I. (2009): Alcathoe Bat (Myotis alcathoe) in the Czech Republic: Distributional Status, Roosting and Feeding Ecology. Acta Chiropterologica 11: 61-69.
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- Bartonička T., Řehák Z. & Andreas M. (2008): Diet composition and foraging activity of Pipistrellus pygmaeus in a floodplain forest. Biologia 63: 1-7. - fulltext in pdf
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- Bartonička T., Řehák Z. & Gaisler J. (2007): Can pipistrelles, Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Schreber, 1774) and Pipistrellus pygmaeus (Leach, 1825), foraging in a group, change parameters of their signals? Journal of Zoology 272: 194-201. - fulltext in pdf
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- Kaňuch P., Fornůšková A., Bartonička T. & Bryja J. (2007): Multiplex panels of polymorphic microsatellite loci for two cryptic bat species of the genus Pipistrellus, developed by cross-species amplification within the family Vespertilionidae. Molecular Ecology Notes 7: 871-873. - fulltext in pdf
- Kaňuch P., Hájková P., Řehák Z. & Bryja J. (2007): A rapid PCR-based test for species identification of two cryptic bats Pipistrellus pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus and its application on museum and dropping samples. Acta Chiropterologica 9: 277-282. - fulltext in pdf
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