2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005
Plant Systematics | Vegetation Research | Mire Ecology | Invertebrates Research
Parazitology | Hydrobiology | Vertebratology | Cryptogamology
Vegetation Research
- Rosche C., Broennimann O., Novikov A., Mrázová V., Boiko G.V., Danihelka J., Gastner M.T., Guisan A., Kožić K., Lehnert M., Müller-Schärer H., Nagy D.U., Remelgado R., Ronikier M., Selke J.A., Shiyan N.M., Suchan T., Thoma A.E., Zdvořák P. & Mráz P. (2025): Herbarium specimens reveal a cryptic invasion of polyploid Centaurea stoebe in Europe New Phytologist 245: 392-405. -
- Axmanová I., Chytrý K., Boublík K., Chytrý M., Dřevojan P., Ekrtová E., Fajmon K., Hájková P., Härtel H., Hejda M., Horáková V., Jongepier J.W., Kalníková V., Kaplan Z., Koutecký P., Lustyk P., Pergl J., Prach K., Pyšek P., Sádlo J., Vojík M. & Těšitel J. (2024): Catalogue of expansive plants of the Czech Republic. Preslia 96: 299-327. -
- Bazzichetto M., Sperandii M.G., Penone C., Keil P., Allan E., Lepš J., Prati D., Fischer M., Bolliger R., Gossner M. & de Bello F. (2024): Biodiversity promotes resistance but dominant species shape recovery of grasslands under extreme drought. Journal of Ecology 112: 1087-1100. -
- Borovyk D., Dembicz I., Dengler J., Guarino R., Kuzemko A., Lavrinenko K., Moysiyenko I., Skobel N., Bednarska I., Babytskiy A., Bezsmertna O., Borovyk L., Buzhdygan O., Chusova O., Iemelianova S., Kalashnik K., Khodosovtsev O., Kolomiiets G., Kolomiychuk V., Kucher O., Shapova V., Zagorodniuk N., Zakharova M., Vynokurov & D. (2024): Plant species richness records in Ukrainian steppes. Tuexenia 44: 225-239. -
- Bureš P. & Danihelka J. (2024): Alopecurus L. - psárka In: Štěpánková J., Chrtek J. jun., Kaplan Z. (eds.). Květena České republiky = Flora of the Czech Republic. 9. Vydání první. Praha: Academia. Pp. 552-560.
- Cancellieri L., Sperandii M.G., Rosati L., Bellisario B., Franceschini C., Aleffi M., Bartolucci F., Becker T., Belonovskaya E., Berastegi A., Biurrun I., Brunetti M., Bückle C., Che R., Conti F., Dembicz I., Fanni S., Fantinato E., Frank D., Frattaroli A.R., Garcia-Mijangos I., Guglielmino A., Janišová M., Maestri S., Magnes M., Potenza G., Primi R., Sobolev N., Tsarevskaya N., Vacca A., Dengler J. & Filibeck G. (2024): Drivers of vascular plant, bryophyte and lichen richness in grasslands along a precipitation gradient (central Apennines, Italy). Journal of Vegetation Science 35: e13305. -
- Cao Pinna L., Gallien L., Pollock L.J., Axmanová I., Chytrý M., Malavasi M., Acosta A.T.R., Campos J.A. & Carboni M. (2024): Plant invasion in Mediterranean Europe: current hotspots and future scenarios. Ecography 2024: e07085. -
- Danihelka J. & Ducháček M. (2024): Hordeum L. - ječmen. In: Štěpánková J., Chrtek J. jun., Kaplan Z. (eds.). Květena České republiky = Flora of the Czech Republic. 9. Vydání první. Praha: Academia. P 706-716.
- Danihelka J. & Kubát K. (2024): Stipa L.- kavyl. In: Štěpánková J., Chrtek J. jun., Kaplan Z. (eds.). Květena České republiky = Flora of the Czech Republic. 9. Vydání první. Praha: Academia. 389-409.
- Di Giulio M., Lososová Z., Carboni M. & Ricotta C. (2024): Measuring plant functional specialization in urban environments with Grime's CSR strategies. Applied Vegetation Science 27: e12803. -
- Doležal J., Chytrý M., Ducháček M. & Paulič R. (2024): Česká flóra: projekt České botanické společnosti na portále iNaturalist. Živa 2: XLIII-XLV. -
- Dřevojan P., Hájek M., Hájková P., Kolářová E., Kučera J., Kučerová J., Marková I. & Müller F. (2024): Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XLI. Bryonora 73: 67-74. -
- Dřevojan P., Novák P., Doležal J., Peterka T., Rohel J. & Vlčková P. (2024): Komentované fytocenologické snímky z České republiky 8. Zprávy České botanické společnosti 59: 141-161. -
- Galvánek D., Uhliarová E., Ujházy K., Ujházyová M., Janišová M. & Těšitel J. (2024): Reversing expansion of Calamagrostis epigejos in Carpathian mountain grasslands by mowing and application of hemiparasitic Rhinanthus alectorolophus. Applied Vegetation Science 27: e12782. -
- Glaser M., Dullinger S., Moser D., Wessely J., Chytrý M., Lososová Z., Axmanová I., Berg C., Bürger J., Buholzer S., Buldrini F., Chiarucci A., Follak S., Küzmič F., Meyer S., Pyšek P., Richner N., Šilc U., Steinkellner S., Wietzke A. & Essl F (2024): Pronounced turnover of vascular plant species in Central European arable fields over 90 years Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 361: 108798. -
- Guo K., Pyšek P., Chytrý M., Divíšek J., Sychrová M., Lososová Z., van Kleunen M., Pierce S. & Guo W.Y. (2024): Stage dependence of Elton's biotic resistance hypothesis of biological invasions. Nature Plants 10: 1484-1492. -
- Hájek M., Peterka T., Hájková P., Hinterlang D., Zechmeister H. & Chytrý M. (2024): Proposal (36) to conserve the name Philonotidion seriatae Hinterlang 1992 for the species-poor, bryophyte-dominated, non-calcareous arctic-alpine spring vegetation of Europe. Vegetation Classification and Survey 5: 11-15. -
- Harris T., Ottaviani G., Mulligan M. & Brummitt N. (2024): 30 by 30 for plant diversity: How can we protect more of nature? Plants People Planet 6: 824-828. -
- Horsáková V., Divíšek J., Líznarová E., Kubíková K., Juřičková L. & Horsák M. (2024): Alpine travellers in the Carpathians: The story of two rock-dwelling snails told by genes and fossils. Journal of Biogeography 51: 1693-1708. -
- Chrtek J. jun., Danihelka J., Dančák M. & Trávníček B. (2024): Bromus L. - sveřep. In: Štěpánková J., Chrtek J. jun., Kaplan Z. (eds.). Květena České republiky = Flora of the Czech Republic. 9. Vydání první. Praha: Academia. Pp. 655-693.
- Chytrý M., Řezníčková M., Novotný P., Holubová D., Preislerová Z., Attorre F., Biurrun I., Blažek P., Bonari G., Borovyk D., Čeplová N., Danihelka J., Davydov D., Dřevojan P., Fahs N., Guarino R., Güler B., Hennekens S.M., Hrivnák R., Kalníková V., Kalusová V., Kebert T., Knollová I., Knotková K., Koljanin D., Kuzemko A., Loidi J., Lososová Z., Marcenò C., Midolo G., Milanović D., Mucina L., Novák P., von Raab-Straube E., Reczyńska K., Schaminée J.H.J., Štěpánková P., Świerkosz K., Těšitel J., Těšitelová T., Tichý L., Vynokurov D. & Willner S. & Axmanová I. (2024): FloraVeg.EU - an online database of European vegetation, habitats and flora. Applied Vegetation Science 27: e12798. -
- Janečková P., Tichý L., Walker L. & Prach K. (2024): Global drivers influencing vegetation during succession: Factors and implications. Journal of Vegetation Science 35: e13297. -
- Kambach S., Attorre F., Axmanová I., Bergamini A., Biurrun I., Bonari G., Carranza M. L., Chiarucci A., Chytrý M., Dengler J., Garbolino E., Golub V., Hickler T., Jandt U., Jansen J., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Karger D.N., Lososová Z., Rašomavičius V., Rūsiņa S., Sieber P., Stanisci A., Thuiller W. Welk E., Zimmermann N.E. & Bruelheide H. (2024): Climate regulation processes are linked to the functional composition of plant communities in European forests, shrublands, and grasslands. Global Change Biology 30: e17189. -
- Kaplan Z., Danihelka J., Prančl J., Chrtek J., Ducháček M., Šumberová K., Nunvářová Kabátová K., Taraška V. & Wild J. (2024): Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 13. Preslia 96: 1-96. -
- Khodosovtsev A., Darmostuk V., Dembicz I., Dengler J., Moysiyenko I. & Kuzemko A. (2024): Circinaria ucrainica sp. nov., a new species from sand dunes of the Lower Dnipro valley (Ukraine). Lichenologist 56: 159-167. -
- Klimeš A., Molina-Venegas R., Carta A., Chytrý M., Conti L., Götzenberger L., Hájek M., Horsák M., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Klimešová J., Méndez-Castro F.E., Zelený D. & Ottaviani G. (2024): Weak phylogenetic effect on specialist plant assemblages and their persistence on habitat islands. Journal of Biogeography 51: 1723-1733. -
- Klinkovská K., Glaser M., Danihelka J., Kaplan Z., Knollová I., Novotný P., Pyšek P., Řezníčková M., Wild J. & Chytrý M. (2024): Dynamics of the Czech flora over the last 60 years: Winners, losers and causes of changes. Biological Conservation 292: 110502. -
- Klinkovská K. & Roleček J. (2024): Floristic classification of Geranion sanguinei in South Moravia (Czech Republic). Biologia 79: 1113-1127. -
- Klinkovská K., Sperandii M.G., Trávníček B. & Chytrý M. (2024): Significant decline in habitat specialists in semi-dry grasslands over four decades. Biodiversity and Conservation 33: 161-178. -
- Knollová I., Chytrý M., Bruelheide H., Dullinger S., Jandt U., Bernhardt-Römermann M., Biurrun I., de Bello F., Glaser M., Hennekens S., Jansen F., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Kadaš D., Kaplan E., Klinkovská K., Lenzner B., Pauli H., Sperandii M.G., Verheyen K., Winkler M., Abdaladze O., Aćić S., Acosta A.T.R., Alignier A., Andrews C., Arlettaz R., Attorre F., Axmanová I., Babbi M., Baeten L., Baran J., Barni E., Benito-Alonso J.-L., Berg C., Bergamini A., Berki I., Boch S., Bock B., Bode F., Bonari G., Boublík K., Britton A.J., Brunet J., Bruzzaniti V., Buholzer S., Burrascano S., Campos J.A., Carlsson B.-G., Carranza M.L., Černý T., Charmillot K., Chiarucci A., Choler P., Chytrý K., Corcket E., Csecserits A., Cutini M., Czarniecka-Wiera M., Danihelka J., de Francesco M.C., De Frenne P., Di Musciano M., De Sanctis M., Deák B., Decocq G., Dembicz I., Dengler J., Di Cecco V., Dick J., Diekmann M., Dierschke H., Dirnböck T., Doerfler I., Doležal J., Döring U., Durak T., Dwyer C., Ejrnæs R., Ermakova I., Erschbamer B., Fanelli G., Fernández-Calzado M-R., Fickert T., Fischer A., Fischer M., Foremnik K., Frouz J., García-González R., García-Magro D., García-Mijangos I., Gavilán R.G., Germ M., Ghosn D., Gigauri K., Gizela J., Golob A., Golub V., Gómez-García D., Gowing D., Grytnes J.-A., Güler B., Gutiérrez-Girón A., Haase P., Haider S., Hájek M., Halassy M., Harásek M., Härdtle W., Heinken T., Hester A., Humbert J.-Y., Ibáñez R., Illa E., Jaroszewicz B., Jensen K., Jentsch A., Jiroušek M., Kalníková V., Kanka R., Kapfer J., Kazakis G., Kermavnar J., Kesting S., Khanina L., Kindermann E., Kotrík M., Koutecký T., Kozub Ł., Kuhn G., Kutnar L., La Montagna D., Lamprecht A., Lenoir J., Lepš J., Leuschner C., Lorite J., Madsen B., Ugarte R.M., Malicki M., Maliniemi T., Máliš F., Maringer A., Marrs R., Matesanz S., Metze K., Meyer S., Millett J., Mitchell R.J., Moeslund J.E., Moiseev P., di Cella U.M., Mudrák O., Müller F., Müller N., Naaf T., Nagy L., Napoleone F., Nascimbene J., Navrátilová J., Ninot J.M., Niu Y., Normand S., Ogaya R., Onipchenko V., Orczewska A., Ortmann-Ajkai A., Pakeman R.J., Pardo I., Pätsch R., Peet R.K., Penuelas J., Peppler-Lisbach C., Pérez-Hernández J., Pérez-Haase A., Petraglia A., Petřík P., Pielech R., Piórkowski H., Pladevall-Izard E., Poschlod P., Prach K., Praleskouskaya S., Prokhorov V., Provoost S., Puşcaş M., Pustková Š., Randin C.F., Rašomavičius V., Reczyńska K., Rédei T., Řehounková K., Richner N., Risch A.C., Rixen C., Rosbakh S., Roscher C., Rosenthal G., Rossi G., Rötzer H., Roux C., Rumpf S.B., Ruprecht E., Rūsiņa S., Sanz-Zubizarreta I., Schindler M., Schmidt W., Schories D., Schrautzer J., Schubert H., Schuetz M., Schwabe A., Schwaiger H., Schwartze P., Šebesta J., Seiler H., Šilc U., Silva V., Šmilauer P., Šmilauerová M., Sperle T., Stachurska-Swakoń A., Stanik N., Stanisci A., Steffen K., Storm C., Stroh H.G., Sugorkina N., Świerkosz K., Świerszcz S., Szymura M., Teleki B., Thébaud G., Theurillat J.-P., Tichý L., Treier U.A., Turtureanu P.D., Ujházy K., Ujházyová M., Ursu TM., Uziębło A.K., Valkó O., Van Calster H., Van Meerbeek K., Vandevoorde B., Vandvik V., Varricchione M., Vassilev K., Villar L., Virtanen R., Vittoz P., Voigt W., von Hessberg A., von Oheimb G., Wagner E., Walther G.-R., Wellstein C., Wesche K., Wilhelm M., Willner W., Wipf S., Wittig B., Wohlgemuth T., Woodcock B.A. & Wulf M. Essl F. (2024): ReSurveyEurope: A database of resurveyed vegetation plots in Europe. Journal of Vegetation Science 35: e13235. -
- Knotková K., Cempírková H. & Těšitel J. (2024): Native root hemiparasites form haustorial attachments with multiple invasive and expansive species. Flora 319: 152584. -
- Kolényová M., Běťák J., Zíbarovál L., Dvořák D., Beran M. & Heilmann-Clausen J. (2024): Microhabitat diversity - A crucial factor shaping macrofungal communities and morphological trait expression in dead wood. Fungal Ecology 71: 1-11. -
- Kožić K., Hartmann M., Callaway R.M., Hensen I., Nagy D.U., Mráz P., Al-Gharaibeh M.M., Bancheva S., Diaconu A., Danihelka J., Ensing D.J., Filep R., Gudžinskas Z., Hajdari A., Nicoară R., Lachmuth S., Moffat C.E., Novikov A., Purger D., Slate M.L., Synowiec A., Vonica G.D., Zuleger A.M. & Rosche C. (2024): Performance in the recruitment life stage and its potential contribution to invasive success in the polyploid invader Centaurea stoebe. NeoBiota 95: 309-329. -
- Leblanc C., Bonnet P., Servajean M., Chytrý M., Aćić S., Argagnon O., Bergamini A., Biurrun I., Biurrun G., Campos J.A., Čarni A., Ćušterevska R., De Sanctis M., Dengler J., Garbolino E., Golub V., Jandt U., Jansen F., Lebedeva M., Lenoir J., Moeslund J.E., Pérez-Haase A., Pielech R., Šibík J., Stančić Z., Stanisci A., Swacha G., Uogintas D., Vassilev K., Wohlgemuth T. & Joly A. (2024): A deep-learning framework for enhancing habitat identification based on species composition. Applied Vegetation Science 27: e12802. -
- Lepinay C., Větrovský T., Chytrý M., Dřevojan P., Fajmon K., Cajthaml T., Kohout P. & Baldrian P. (2024): Effect of plant communities on bacterial and fungal communities in a Central European grassland. Environmental Microbiome 19: 42. -
- Lososová Z., Danihelka J., Dřevojan P., Hájek O., Kalusová V., Večeřa M., Chytrý K., Chytrý M., Čeplová N., Filippov P., Jiroušek M., Kadaš D., Kalníková V., Knollová I., Macků M., Niederle J., Novák P., Rohel J., Rotreklová O., Řepka R., Řezníčková M., Šmerdová E., Šumberová K., Veselý P., Vymazalová M., Wirth T. & Tichý L. (2024): Flora of the city of Brno, Czech Republic. Preslia 96: 123-147. -
- Marcenò C., Danihelka J., Dziuba T., Willner W. & Chytrý M. (2024): Nomenclatural revision of the syntaxa of European coastal dune vegetation. Vegetation Classification and Survey 5: 27-37. -
- Marcenò C., Gristina A.S., Chytrý M., Garfi G., Ilardi V., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Paliaga S., Pasta S., Venanzoni R., Guarino & R. (2024): Two new grassland associations from the Madonie Mountains (Sicily) disclose critical classification issues in endemic-rich oromediterranean plant communities of the classes Molinio-Arrhenatheretea and Rumici-Astragaletea siculi. Tuexenia 44: 241-259. -
- Midolo G., Axmanová I., Divíšek J., Dřevojan P., Lososová Z., Večeřa M., Karger D.N., Thuiller W., Bruelheide H., Aćić S., Attorre F., Biurrun I., Boch S., Bonari G., Čarni A., Chiarucci A., Ćušterevska R., Dengler J., Dziuba T., Garbolino E., Jandt U., Lenoir J., Marcenò C., Rūsiņa S., Šibík J., Škvorc Ž., Stančić Z., Stanišić-Vujačić M., Svenning J.-C., Swacha G., Vassilev K. & Chytrý M. (2024): Diversity and distribution of Raunkiær's life forms in European vegetation. Journal of Vegetation Science 35: e13229. -
- Midolo G., Méndez-Castro F.E. & Ottaviani G. (2024): Why studying the response of trait coordination to insularity matters? Journal of Biogeography 51: 1587-1595. -
- Millan M., Ottaviani G., Beckett H., Archibald S., Mangena H. & Stevens N. (2024): Disentangling the effect of growth from development in size-related trait scaling relationships. Plant Biology 26: 485-491. -
- Murillo R.D., Pätsch R. & Wagner V. (2024): Agronomic non-native species are overrepresented across habitat types in central Canada. Journal of Applied Ecology 61: 1385-1395. -
- Nekola J.C., Divíšek J. & Horsák M. (2024): The ghost of ice ages past: Impact of Last Glacial Maximum landscapes on modern biodiversity. iScience 27: 1-12. -
- Nezhad M.T.K., Šamonil P., Daněk P., Jaroš J., Hájek M., Hájková P., Jabinski S., Meador T.B. & Roleček J. (2024): Lipid biomarkers and stable isotopes uncover paleovegetation changes in extremely species-rich forest-steppe ecosystems, Central Europe. Environmental Research 259: 1-17. -
- Novák J., Šamonil P. & Roleček J. (2024): Relationship between extreme species richness and Holocene persistence of forest-steppe grasslands in Transylvania, Romania. Holocene 34: 1627-1637. -
- Novák P., Peterka T. & Kalníková V. (2024): The class Adiantetea in Georgia: a rare relict fern community in the South Caucasus. Biologia 79: 1129-1137. -
- Novák P., Večeřa M., Gholizadeh H. , Pustková Š, Szokala D., Kharazishvili D., Memiadze N., Sedláček V. & Kalníková V. (2024): Forests of the Tertiary relict tree Zelkova carpinifolia in Colchis (South Caucasus) and their regional vegetation context. Tuexenia 44: 9-32. -
- Ottaviani G., Klimešová J., Charles-Dominique T., Millan M., Harris T. & Silveira F.A.O. (2024): The underestimated global importance of plant belowground coarse organs in open biomes for ecosystem functioning and conservation. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 22: 118-121. -
- Padullés Cubino J., Lenoir J., Li D., Montaño-Centellas F.A., Retana J., Baeten L., Bernhardt-Römermann M., Chudomelová M., Closset D., Decocq G., De Frenne P., Diekmann M., Dirnböck T., Durak T., Hédl R., Heinken T., Jaroszewicz B., Kopecký M., Macek M., Máliš F., Naaf T., Orczewska A., Petřík P., Pielech R., Reczyńska K., Schmidt W., Standovár T., Świerkosz K., Teleki B., Verheyen K., Vild O., Waller D., Wulf M. & Chytrý M. (2024): Evaluating plant lineage losses and gains in temperate forest understories: a phylogenetic perspective on climate change and nitrogen deposition. New Phytologist 241: 2287-2299. -
- Pätsch R., Midolo G., Dítě Z., Dítě D., Wagner V., Pavonič M., Danihelka J., Preislerová Z., Ćuk M., Stroh H.G., Tóth T., Chytrá H. & Chytrý M. (2024): Beyond salinity: Plants show divergent responses to soil ion composition. Global Ecology and Biogeography 33: e13821. -
- Pokorná A., Hájková P., Bernardová A., Jonášová B., Kučerová A., Jiroušková J., Šumberová K., Šolcová A., Starec P. & Tichý L. (2024): A new tool for formalised vegetation reconstruction from (sub)fossil records ? the FEVER Index. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 33: 725-739. -
- Potgieter L.J., Li D., Baiser B., Kühn I., Aronson M.F.J., Carboni M., Celesti-Grapow L., de Matos A.C.L., Lososová Z., Montaño-Centellas F.A., Pyšek P., Richardson D.M., Tsang T.P.N., Zenni R.D. & Cadotte M.W. (2024): Cities Shape the Diversity and Spread of Nonnative Species. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 55:157-180. -
- Preislerová Z., Marcenò C., Loidi J., Bonari G., Borovyk D., Gavilán R.G., Golub V., Terzi M., Theurillat J.-P., Argagnon O., Bioret F., Biurrun I., Campos J.A., Capelo J., Čarni A., Çoban S., Csiky J., Ćuk M., Ćušterevska R., Dengler J., Didukh Y., Dítě D., Fanelli G., Fernández-González F., Guarino R., Hájek O., Iakushenko D., Iemelianova S., Jansen F., Jašková A., Jiroušek M., Kalníková V., Kavgacι A., Kuzemko A., Landucci F., Lososová Z., Milanović D., Molina J.A., Monteiro-Henriques T., Mucina L., Novák P., Nowak A., Pätsch R., Perrin G., Peterka T., Rašomavičius V., Reczyńska K,, Rūsiņa S., Sanchez Mata D., Santos Guerra A. , Šibík J., Škvor Ž., Stešević D., Stupar V., Swierkosz K., Tzonev R., Vassilev K., Vynokurov D., Willner W. & Chytrý M. (2024): Structural, ecological and biogeographical attributes of European vegetation alliances. Applied Vegetation Science 27: e12766. -
- Price J.N., Wagner V., Pillar V.D. & Chytrý M. (2024): Reflecting on two and a half decades of restoration ecology in Applied Vegetation Science (1998-2023). Applied Vegetation Science 27: e12761 [Editorial Material]. -
- Reczyńska K, Novák P, Majerová M & Świerkosz K. (2024): The current state of relic rocky grasslands with Sesleria tatrae and Calamagrostis varia in the Eastern Sudetes (Śnieżnik Massif, SW Poland). Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 93: 1-12. -
- Řehounková K., Tichý L. & Prach K. (2024): Succession in abandoned fields: Chronosequence data verified by monitoring of semi-permanent plots. Journal of Vegetation Science 35: e13303. -
- Sperandii M.G., Bazzichetto M., Mendieta-Leiva G., Schmidtlein S., Bott M., de Lima R.A.F., Pillar V.D., Price J.N., Wagner V. & Chytrý M. (2024): Towards more reproducibility in vegetation research. Journal of Vegetation Science 35: e13224 [Editorial Material]. -
- Szokala D., Kočí M. & Vassilev K. (2024): Subalpine tall-herb vegetation in Bulgaria: diversity and ecology. Plant Biosystems 158: 490-510. -
- Štěpánek J. & Danihelka J. (2024): Poaceae Barnhart - lipnicovité, trávy. In: Štěpánková J., Chrtek J. jun., Kaplan Z. (eds.). Květena České republiky = Flora of the Czech Republic. 9. Vydání první. Praha: Academia. Pp. 361-366.
- Těšitelová T., Knotková K., Knotek A., Cempírková H. & Těšitel J. (2024): Root hemiparasites suppress invasive alien clonal plants: evidence from a cultivation experiment. NeoBiota 90: 97-121. -
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- Divíšek J., Večeřa M., Welk E., Danihelka J., Chytrý K., Douda J. & Chytrý M. (2022): Origin of the central European steppe flora: insights from palaeodistribution modelling and migration simulations. Ecography 2022: e06293. -
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- Guo K., Pyšek P., Chytrý M., Divíšek J., Lososová Z., van Kleunen M., Pierce S. & Guo W.-Y. (2022): Ruderals naturalize, competitors invade: Varying roles of plant adaptive strategies along the invasion continuum. Functional Ecology 36: 2469-2479. -
- Hájková P., Petr L., Horsák M., Jamrichová E. & Roleček J. (2022): Holocene history of the landscape at the biogeographical and cultural crossroads between Central and Eastern Europe (Western Podillia, Ukraine). Quaternary Science Reviews 288: 107610. -
- Heinken T., Diekmann M., Liira J., Orczewska A., Schmidt M., Brunet J., Chytrý M., Chabrerie O., Decocq G., De Frenne P., Dřevojan P., Dzwonko Z., Ewald J., Feilberg J., Graae B.J., Grytnes J.-A., Hermy M., Kriebitzsch W.-U., Laiviņš M., Lenoir J., Lindmo S., Marage D., Marozas V., Niemeyer T., Paal J., Pyšek P., Roosaluste E., Sádlo J., Schaminée J.H.J., Tyler T., Verheyen K., Wulf M. & Vanneste T. (2022): The European Forest Plant Species List (EuForPlant): Concept and applications. Journal of Vegetation Science 33: e13132. -
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- Jiroušek M., Peterka T., Chytrý M., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Kuznetsov O.L., Pérez-Haase A., Aunina L., Biurrun I., Dítě D., Goncharova N., Hájková P., Jansen F., Koroleva N.E., Lapshina E.D., Lavrinenko I.A., Lavrinenko O.V., Napreenko M.G., Pawlikowski P., Rašomavičius V., Rodwell J.S., Pedreira D.R., Balbuena E.S., Smagin V.A., Tahvanainen T., Biţă-Nicolae C., Felbaba-Klushyna L., Graf U., Ivchenko T.G., Jandt U., Jiroušková J., Košuthová A., Lenoir J., Onyshchenko V., Plášek V., Plesková Z., Shirokikh P.S., Šímová A., Šmerdová E., Tokarev P.N. & Hájek M. (2022): Classification of European bog vegetation of the Oxycocco-Sphagnetea class. Applied Vegetation Science 25: e12646. -
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- Padullés Cubino J., Axmanová I., Lososová Z., Večeřa M., Bergamini A., Bruelheide H., Dengler J., Jandt U., Jansen F., Pätsch R. & Chytrý M. (2022): The effect of niche filtering on plant species abundance in temperate grassland communities. Functional Ecology 36: 962-973. -
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- Pillar V.D., Pärtel M., Price J.N. & Chytrý M. (2022): Collaboration networks and hot topics in the Journal of Vegetation Science. Journal of Vegetation Science 33: e13108 [Editorial Material]. -
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- Shevchyk V.L., Solomakha I.V., Tymochko I.Ya., Dvirna T.S., Borsukevych L.M., Iemelianova S., Solomakha V.A. & Shevera M.V. (2022): Impatiens glandulifera (Balsaminaceae) in Ukraine: history of distribution, ecological and coenotic peculiarities and invasiveness. Thaiszia - Journal of Botany 32: 151-178. -
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- Gholizadeh H., Naqinezhad A. & Chytrý M. (2019): Hyrcanian Forest Vegetation Database. Phytocoenologia 49: 209-210. -
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- Chiarucci A., Pärtel M., Pillar V.D. & Chytrý M. (2019): Applied vegetation science addresses emerging global issues. Applied Vegetation Science 22: 1-2 [Editorial]. - fulltext in Wiley Online Library
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- Chytrý M., Horsák M., Danihelka J., Ermakov N., German D.A., Hájek M., Hájková P., Kočí M., Kubešová S., Lustyk P., Nekola J.C., Pavelková Řičánková V., Preislerová Z., Resl P. & Valachovič M. (2019): A modern analogue of the Pleistocene steppe-tundra ecosystem in southern Siberia. Boreas 48: 36-56. -
- Chytrý M., Chiarucci A., Pärtel M., Pillar V.D., Bakker J.P., Mucina L., Peet R.K. & White P.S. (2019): Progress in vegetation science: Trends over the past three decades and new horizons. Journal of Vegetation Science 30: 1-4 [Editorial]. -
- Jongepierová I., Prach K., Tichý L. & Malenovský I. (2019): Secondary grasslands and heathlands. Introduction. In: JONGEPIEROVÁ, Ivana, Pavel PEŠOUT a Karel PRACH. Ecological restoration in the Czech Republic II. Prague: Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic. ISBN 978-80-7620-040-1. Pp. 61-71.
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- Kalusová V., Čeplová N., Chytrý M., Danihelka J., Dřevojan P., Fajmon K., Hájek O., Kalníková V., Novák P., Řehořek V., Těšitel J., Tichý L., Wirth T. & Lososová Z. (2019): Similar responses of native and alien floras in European cities to climate. Journal of Biogeography 46: 1406-1418. -
- Mastrogianni A., Kallimanis A.S., Chytrý M. & Tsiripidis I. (2019): Phylogenetic diversity patterns in forests of a putative refugial area in Greece: A community level analysis. Forest Ecology and Management 446: 226-237. -
- Navrátilová D., Tláskalová P., Kohout P., Dřevojan P., Fajmon K., Chytrý M. & Baldrian P. (2019): Diversity of fungi and bacteria in species-rich grasslands increases with plant diversity in shoots but not in roots and soil. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 95: fiy208. -
- Palpurina S., Chytrý M., Höllzel N., Tichý L., Wagner V., Horsák M., Axmanová I., Hájek M., Hájková P., Freitag M., Lososová Z., Mathar W., Tzonev R., Danihelka J. & Dřevojan P. (2019): The type of nutrient limitation affects the plant species richness-productivity relationship: Evidence from dry grasslands across Eurasia. Journal of Ecology 107: 1038-1050. -
- Pätsch R., Jašková A. Chytrý M., Kucherov I.B., Schaminée J.H.J., Bergmeier E. & Janssen J.A.M. (2019): Making them visible and usable - vegetation-plot observations from Fennoscandia based on historical species-quantity scales. Applied Vegetation Science 22: 465-473. -
- Peruzzi L., Galasso G., Domina G., Bartolucci F., Santangelo A., Alessandrini A., Astuti G., DˈAntraccoli M., Roma-Marzio F., Ardenghi N.M.G., Barberis G., Conti F., Bernardo L., Peccenini S., Stinca A., Wagensommer R.P., Bonari G., Iamonico D., Iberite M., Viciani D., Del Guacchio E., Del Galdo G.G., Lastrucci L., Villani M., Brunu A., Magrini S., Pistarino A., Brullo S., Salmeri C., Brundu G., Clementi M., Carli E., Vacca G., Marcucci R., Banfi E., Longo D., Di Pietro R. & Passalacqua N.G. (2019): An inventory of the names of native, non-endemic vascular plants described from Italy, their loci classici and types. Phytotaxa 410: 1-214. -
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- Sporbert M., Bruelheide H., Seidler G., Keil P., Jandt U., Austrheim G., Biurrun I., Campos J.A., Čarni A., Chytrý M., Csiky J., De Bie E., Dengler J., Golub V., Grytnes J.-A., Indreica A., Jansen F., Jiroušek M., Lenoir J., Luoto M., Marcenò C., Moeslund J.E., Pérez- Haase A., Rüsiņa S., Vandvik V., Vassilev K. & Welk E. (2019): Assessing sampling coverage of species distribution in biodiversity databases. Journal of Vegetation Science 30: 620-632. -
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- Tichý L., Chytrý M. & Landucci F. (2019): GRIMP: A machine-learning method for improving groups of discriminating species in expert systems for vegetation classification. Journal of Vegetation Science 30: 5-17. -
- Večeřa M., Divíšek J., Lenoir J., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Biurrun I., Knollová I., Agrillo E., Campos J.A., Čarni A., Crespo Jiménez G., Ćuk M., Dimopoulos P., Ewald J., Fernández-González F., Gégout J.-C., Indreica A., Jandt U., Jansen F., Kącki Z., Rašomavičius V., Řezníčková M., Rodwell J.S., Schaminée J.H.J., Šilc U., Svenning J.-C., Swacha G., Vassilev K., Venanzoni R., Willner W., Wohlgemuth T. & Chytrý M. (2019): Alpha diversity of vascular plants in European forests. Journal of Biogeography 46: 1919-1935. -
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- Dřevojan P., Kubešová S. & Procházková J. (2018): Entosthodon hungaricus - nový druh bryoflóry České republiky. Bryonora 62: 53-61. - fulltext in pdf
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- Galasso G., Domina G., Adorni M., Ardenghi N.M.G., Bonari G., Buono S., Cancellieri L., Chianese G., Ferretti G., Fiaschi T., Forte L., Guarino R., Labadessa R., Lastrucci L., Lazzaro L., Magrini S., Minuto L., Mossini S., Olivieri N., Scoppola A., Stinca A., Turcato C. & Nepi C. (2018): Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 5. Italian Botanist 5: 45-56.
- Hejda M., Chytrý M. & Pyšek P. (2018): Biotopy jako zdroje i příjemci nepůvodních druhů rostlin. Živa 5: 218-220. - fulltext pdf file
- Herben T., Klimešová J. & Chytrý M. (2018): Effects of disturbance frequency and severity on plant traits: An assessment across a temperate flora. Functional Ecology 32: 799-808. - fulltext in Wiley Online Library
- Herben T., Klimešová J. & Chytrý M. (2018): Philip Grime's fourth corner: are there plant species adapted to high disturbance and low productivity? Oikos 127: 1125-1131. - fulltext in Wiley Online Library
- Horsák M., Juřičková L., Horsáková V., Pokorná A., Pokorný P., Šizling A.L. & Chytrý M. (2018): Forest snail diversity and its environmental predictors along a sharp climatic gradient in southern Siberia. Acta Oecologica - International Journal of Ecology 88: 1-8. - fulltext on ScienceDirect
- Chiarucci A., Pärtel M., Pillar V.D. & Chytrý M. (2018): Long-term investigations and experimental manipulations: Useful perspectives for applied vegetation studies. Applied Vegetation Science 21: 1-2 [Editorial]. - fulltext in Wiley Online Library
- Chytrý M. (2018): Evropský červený seznam biotopů. Ochrana přírody 1: 18-21. - fulltext pdf file
- Chytrý M. (2018): Petr Pyšek - šedesátník plný elánu. Živa 5: CXXI-CXXIII. - fulltext pdf file
- Chytrý M. & Peet R.K. (2018): Ladislav Mucina: IAVS Honorary Membership. IAVS Bulletin 3: 11-15. - fulltext pdf file
- Chytrý M. & Tichý L. (2018): National vegetation classification of the Czech Republic: a summary of the approach. Phytocoenologia 48: 121-131. - fulltext in pdf
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