
2025 | 2024 | 2023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005

Plant Systematics | Vegetation Research | Mire Ecology | Invertebrates Research
Parazitology | Hydrobiology | Vertebratology | Cryptogamology


  • Al-Jawabreh R., Anderson R., Atkinson L.E., Bickford-Smith J., Bradbury R.S., Breloer M., Bryant A.S., Buonfrate D., Cadd L.C., Crooks B., Deiana M., Grant W., Hallem E., Hedtke S.M., Hunt V., Khieu V., Kikuchi T., Kounosu A., Lastik D., van Lieshout L., Liu Y., McSorley H.J., McVeigh P., Mousley A., Murcott B., Nevin W.D., Nosková E., Pomari E., Reynolds K., Ross K., Streit A., Suleiman M., Tiberti N. & Viney M. (2024): Strongyloides questions-a research agenda for the future. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 379: 20230004. -
  • Anettová L., Baláž V., Coufal R., Horsák M., Izquierdo-Rodriguez E., Šipková A., Foronda P. & Modrý D. (2024): Lizards as sentinels for the distribution of Angiostrongylus cantonensis. Epidemiology and Infection 152: e168. -
  • Anettová L., Kačmaříková J., Šipková A., Velič V., Cavallo L., Dyková I., Izquierdo-Rodriguez E., Morgan E.R. & Modrý D. (2024): Low potential of fish as a source of infection with Angiostrongylus cantonensis. Food Quality and Safety 8: 1-8. -
  • Anil A.N., Mehdi I., Douda K., Smith C. & Reichard M. (2024): Reciprocal transplant experiments demonstrate a dynamic coevolutionary relationship between parasitic mussel larvae and bitterling fishes. Freshwater Biology 69: 1525-1536. -
  • Ansai E., Nitta M., Saito T., Kojima Y. & Waki T. (2024): The first intermediate host of the invasive frog trematode Glypthelmins quieta in Japan. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 159: 9-14. -
  • Ardenghi M.G.A., Šmarda P., Calbi M., Coppi A., Lastrucci L., Lazzaro L., Mugnai M., Quercioli C., Rossi G. & Foggi B. (2024): Revision of the Festuca marginata "group" (Festuca sect. Festuca, Poaceae) in Southern Europe, with special reference to France, Italy and Greece. Plant Biosystems 158: 1192-1214. -
  • Axmanová I., Chytrý K., Boublík K., Chytrý M., Dřevojan P., Ekrtová E., Fajmon K., Hájková P., Härtel H., Hejda M., Horáková V., Jongepier J.W., Kalníková V., Kaplan Z., Koutecký P., Lustyk P., Pergl J., Prach K., Pyšek P., Sádlo J., Vojík M. & Těšitel J. (2024): Catalogue of expansive plants of the Czech Republic. Preslia 96: 299-327. -
  • Bazzichetto M., Sperandii M.G., Penone C., Keil P., Allan E., Lepš J., Prati D., Fischer M., Bolliger R., Gossner M. & de Bello F. (2024): Biodiversity promotes resistance but dominant species shape recovery of grasslands under extreme drought. Journal of Ecology 112: 1087-1100. -
  • Bednarska I., Cwener A. & Šmarda P. (2024): Festuca makutrensis (Poaceae) in the flora of the Eastern Europe. Plant Systematics and Evolution 310: 33. -
  • Benovics M., Rahmouni C., Řehulková E., Nejat F. & Šimková A. (2024): Uncovering the monogenean species diversity of cyprinoid fish in Iraq using an integrative approach. Parasitology 151: 220-246. -
  • Beydizada N., Abels A., Schultheiss P. & Frank E.T. (2024): Injury-dependent wound care behavior in the desert ant Cataglyphis nodus. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 78: 97. -
  • Beydizada N., Cannone F., Pekár S., Baracchi D. & De Agrò M. (2024): Habituation to visual stimuli is independent of boldness in a jumping spider. Animal Behaviour 213: 61-70. -
  • Bhattacharjee D., Sau S., Das J. & Bhadra A. (2024): Does novelty influence the foraging decisions of a scavenger? PeerJ 12: e17121. -
  • Bílková M., Schenková J. & Horsák M. (2024): Water conductivity mediates differences in clitellate assemblages in spring fens and adjacent streams. Hydrobiologia 851: 4891-4904. -
  • Boóz B., Kovács Z., Bartalovics B., Boda P., Miliša M., Pernecker B., Pařil P., Rewicz T., Simon A.B., Csabai Z. & Móra A. (2024): Chironomids (Diptera) from Central European stream networks: new findings and taxonomic issues. Biodivers Data Journal 27: e136241. -
  • Boóz B., Móra A., Ficsór M., Pařil P., Acosta R., Bartalovics B., Datry T., Fernández-Calero J.M., Forcellini M., Miliša M., Mykrä H., Pernecker B., Polášková V., Polović L., Snåre H. & Csabai Z. (2024): Neglected dipterans in stream studies. Journal of Limnology 83: 2191. -
  • Borovyk D., Dembicz I., Dengler J., Guarino R., Kuzemko A., Lavrinenko K., Moysiyenko I., Skobel N., Bednarska I., Babytskiy A., Bezsmertna O., Borovyk L., Buzhdygan O., Chusova O., Iemelianova S., Kalashnik K., Khodosovtsev O., Kolomiiets G., Kolomiychuk V., Kucher O., Shapova V., Zagorodniuk N., Zakharova M., Vynokurov & D. (2024): Plant species richness records in Ukrainian steppes. Tuexenia 44: 225-239. -
  • Burckhardt D., Drohojowska J., Serbina L. & Malenovský I. (2024): First record of jumping plant lice of the family Liviidae (Hemiptera, Sternorrhyncha, Psylloidea) from Dominican amber. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen 311: 215-227. -
  • Burckhardt D., Serbina L., Malenovský I., Queiroz D.L., Aléné D.C., Cho G. & Percy D.M. (2024): Phylogeny and classification of jumping plant lice of the subfamily Liviinae (Hemiptera: Psylloidea: Liviidae) based on molecular and morphological data. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 201: 387-421. -
  • Burckhardt D., Serbina L.Š. & Malenovský I. (2024): Lilaoshia, replacement name for Liella Burckhardt, Serbina and Malenovský, 2023 (Insecta, Hemiptera, Liviidae) nec Cui and Huo, in Huo and Shu, 1985 (Crustacea, Bradoriida, Alutidae). Zootaxa 5497: 299-300. -
  • Burdíková N., Kaspřák D., Kjærandsen J., Špalek Tóthová A. & Ševčík J. (2024): Molecular phylogeny of the fungus gnat subfamilies Sciophilinae and Leiinae (Mycetophilidae), with notes on Sciaroidea incertae sedis (Diptera: Bibionomorpha). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 202: 1-11. -
  • Bureš P. (2024): Eleocharis R. Br. - bahnička. In: Štěpánková J., Chrtek J. jun., Kaplan Z. (eds.). Květena České republiky = Flora of the Czech Republic. 9. Vydání první. Praha: Academia. Pp. 138-157.
  • Bureš P. (2024): Trichophorum Pers. - suchopýrek. In: Štěpánková J., Chrtek J. jun., Kaplan Z. (eds.). Květena České republiky = Flora of the Czech Republic. 9. Vydání první. Praha: Academia. Pp. 111-114.
  • Bureš P. & Danihelka J. (2024): Alopecurus L. - psárka In: Štěpánková J., Chrtek J. jun., Kaplan Z. (eds.). Květena České republiky = Flora of the Czech Republic. 9. Vydání první. Praha: Academia. Pp. 552-560.
  • Bureš P., Del Guacchio E., Šmerda J., Özcan M., Blizňáková P., Vavrinec M., Michálková E., Veselý P., Veselá K. & Zedek F. (2024): Intergeneric hybrid origin of the invasive tetraploid Cirsium vulgare. Plant Biology 26: 749-763. -
  • Bureš P. & Dočkalová Z. (2024): Hordelymus L. - ječmenka. In: Štěpánková J., Chrtek J. jun., Kaplan Z. (eds.). Květena České republiky = Flora of the Czech Republic. 9. Vydání první. Praha: Academia. 717-718.
  • Bureš P., Elliott T.L., Veselý P., Šmarda P., Forest F., Leitch I.J., Lughadha E.N., Gomez M.S., Pironon S., Brown M.J.M., Šmerda J. & Zedek F. (2024): The global distribution of angiosperm genome size is shaped by climate. New Phytologist 242: 744-759. -
  • Burton A.C., Beirne C., Gaynor K.M., Sun C., Granados A., Allen M.L., Alston J.M., Alvarenga G.C., Calderón F.S.Á., Amir Z., Anhalt-Depies C., Appel C., Arroyo-Arce S., Balme G., Bar-Massada A., Barcelos D., Barr E., Barthelmess E.L., Baruzzi C., Basak S.M., Beenaerts N., Belmaker J., Belova O., Bezarević B., Bird T., Bogan D.A., Bogdanović N., Boyce A., Boyce M., Brandt L., Brodie J.F., Brooke J., Bubnicki J.W., Cagnacci F., Carr B.S., Carvalho J., Casaer J., Černe R., Chen R., Chow E., Churski M., Cincotta C., Ćirović D., Coates T.D., Compton J., Coon C., Cove M.V., Crupi A.P., Farra S.D., Darracq A.K., Davis M., Dawe K., De Waele V., Descalzo E., Diserens T.A., Drimaj J., Duľa M., Ellis-Felege S., Ellison C., Ertürk A., Fantle-Lepczyk J., Favreau J., Fennell M., Ferreras P., Ferretti F., Fiderer C., Finnegan L., Fisher J.T., Fisher-Reid M.C., Flaherty E.A., Fležar U., Flousek J., Foca J.M., Ford A., Franzetti B., Frey S., Fritts S., Frýbová Š., Furnas B., Gerber B., Geyle H.M., Giménez D.G., Giordano A.J., Gomercic T., Gompper M.E., Gräbin D.M., Gray M., Green A., Hagen R., Hagen R.B., Hammerich S., Hanekom C., Hansen C., Hasstedt S., Hebblewhite M., Heurich M., Hofmeester T.R., Hubbard T., Jachowski D., Jansen P.A., Jaspers K.J., Jensen A., Jordan M., Kaizer M.C., Kelly M.J., Kohl M.T., Kramer-Schadt S., Krofel M., Krug A., Kuhn K.M., Kuijper D.P.J., Kuprewicz E.K., Kusak J., Kutal M., Lafferty D.J.R., LaRose S., Lashley M., Lathrop R., Lee T.E. Jr, Lepczyk C., Lesmeister D.B., Licoppe A., Linnell M., Loch J., Long R., Lonsinger R.C., Louvrier J., Luskin M.S., MacKay P., Maher S., Manet B., Mann G.K.H., Marshall A.J., Mason D., McDonald Z., McKay T., McShea W.J., Mechler M., Miaud C., Millspaugh J.J., Monteza-Moreno C.M., Moreira-Arce D., Mullen K., Nagy C., Naidoo R., Namir I., Nelson C., O'Neill B., O'Mara M.T., Oberosler V., Osorio C., Ossi F., Palencia P., Pearson K., Pedrotti L., Pekins C.E., Pendergast M., Pinho F.F., Plhal R., Pocasangre-Orellana X., Price M., Procko M., Proctor M.D., Ramalho E.E., Ranc N., Reljic S., Remine K., Rentz M., Revord R., Reyna-Hurtado R., Risch D., Ritchie E.G., Romero A., Rota C., Rovero F., Rowe H., Rutz C., Salvatori M., Sandow D., Schalk C.M., Scherger J., Schipper J., Scognamillo D.G., Şekercio?lu Ç.H., Semenzato P., Sevin J., Shamon H., Shier C., Silva-Rodríguez E.A., Sindicic M., Smyth L.K., Soyumert A., Sprague T., St Clair C.C., Stenglein J., Stephens P.A., Stępniak K.M., Stevens M., Stevenson C., Ternyik B., Thomson I., Torres R.T., Tremblay J., Urrutia T., Vacher J.P., Visscher D., Webb S.L., Weber J., Weiss K.C.B., Whipple L.S., Whittier C.A., Whittington J., Wierzbowska I., Wikelski M., Williamson J., Wilmers C.C., Windle T., Wittmer H.U., Zharikov Y., Zorn A. & Kays R. (2024): Mammal responses to global changes in human activity vary by trophic group and landscape. Nature Ecology and Evolution 8: 924-935. -
  • Cancellieri L., Sperandii M.G., Rosati L., Bellisario B., Franceschini C., Aleffi M., Bartolucci F., Becker T., Belonovskaya E., Berastegi A., Biurrun I., Brunetti M., Bückle C., Che R., Conti F., Dembicz I., Fanni S., Fantinato E., Frank D., Frattaroli A.R., Garcia-Mijangos I., Guglielmino A., Janišová M., Maestri S., Magnes M., Potenza G., Primi R., Sobolev N., Tsarevskaya N., Vacca A., Dengler J. & Filibeck G. (2024): Drivers of vascular plant, bryophyte and lichen richness in grasslands along a precipitation gradient (central Apennines, Italy). Journal of Vegetation Science 35: e13305. -
  • Cao Pinna L., Gallien L., Pollock L.J., Axmanová I., Chytrý M., Malavasi M., Acosta A.T.R., Campos J.A. & Carboni M. (2024): Plant invasion in Mediterranean Europe: current hotspots and future scenarios. Ecography 2024: e07085. -
  • Coufal R., Horsáková V., Peterka T., Ryelandt J., Skujienė G. & Horsák M. (2024): Ecology and Current Distribution of Three Habitat-Specialized Land Snail Species of the Genus Vertigo (Gastropoda: Eupulmonata) in Europe. Zoological Studies 63: 19 -
  • Čejka T., Beran L., Adamcová T., Bronišová V., Coufal R., Čiliak M., Drvotová M., Horáčková J., Horsáková V., Juřičková L., Kocurková A., Korábek O., Podroužková Š., Říhová D. B., Šlachtová E. & Horsák M. (2024): Malacological news from the Czech and Slovak Republics in 2023. Malacologica Bohemoslovaca 23: 69-83. -
  • Daněk O., Hrbatová A., Volfová K., Ševčíková S., Lesiczka P., Nováková M., Ghodrati S., Hrazdilova K., Veneziano V., Napoli E., Otranto D., Montarsi F., Mihalca A.D., Mechouk N., Adamík P., Modrý D. & Zurek L. (2024): Italian peninsula as a hybridization zone of Ixodes inopinatus and I. ricinus and the prevalence of tick-borne pathogens in I. inopinatus, I. ricinus, and their hybrids. Parasites and Vectors 17: 196. -
  • Danihelka J. & Ducháček M. (2024): Hordeum L. - ječmen. In: Štěpánková J., Chrtek J. jun., Kaplan Z. (eds.). Květena České republiky = Flora of the Czech Republic. 9. Vydání první. Praha: Academia. P 706-716.
  • Danihelka J. & Kubát K. (2024): Stipa L.- kavyl. In: Štěpánková J., Chrtek J. jun., Kaplan Z. (eds.). Květena České republiky = Flora of the Czech Republic. 9. Vydání první. Praha: Academia. 389-409.
  • de Donnová S., Devánová A., Barešová L., Zahrádková S. & Bojková J. (2024): Hydromorphological degradation modifies long-term macroinvertebrate responses to water quality and climate changes in lowland rivers. Environmental Research 261: 119638. -
  • Del Guacchio E., Zedek F., Caputo P., Iamonico D. & Bureš P. (2024): The Genus Lophiolepis Is at Least as Well Supported as Afrocarduus, Afrocirsium, and Nuriaea. Comment on Moreyra et al. African Mountain Thistles: Three New Genera in the Carduus-Cirsium Group. Plants 2023, 12, 3083. Plants 13: 3399 [Editorial Material]. -
  • Derner K., Kaiser K., Petr L., Kočár P., Kočárová R., de Boer A.M., Kasprzak M., Łopuch M., Bohdálek P., Crkal J. & Lissek P. (2024): Medieval vegetation dynamics and montane-industrial history of the central Ore Mountains, Czech Republic, as reflected by alluvial geoarchives. Catena 247: 108520. -
  • Devánová A., Sychra J., Bojková J. & Horsák M. (2024): Nečekaná signalizace: líhnutí vajíček listonoha letního je chemicky modulováno dospělci. Živa 110=72: 29-31. -
  • Devánová A., Sychra J., Wessely J., Essl F., Mock A., Horsák M. & Schernhammer T. (2024): Land-use determines the distribution of large branchiopods in climatically homogeneous northern Pannonia. Global Ecology and Conservation 56: e03300. -
  • Di Giulio M., Lososová Z., Carboni M. & Ricotta C. (2024): Measuring plant functional specialization in urban environments with Grime's CSR strategies. Applied Vegetation Science 27: e12803. -
  • Dianat M., Konečný A., Lavrenchenko L.A., Peterhans J.C.K., Demos T.C., Nicolas V., Ortiz D. & Bryja J. (2024): How to cross the desert if you are small and need mountains? Out-of-Ethiopia dispersal in Afromontane shrews. Journal of Biogeography 51: 230-245. -
  • Doležal J., Chytrý M., Ducháček M. & Paulič R. (2024): Česká flóra: projekt České botanické společnosti na portále iNaturalist. Živa 2: XLIII-XLV. -
  • Dřevojan P., Hájek M., Hájková P., Kolářová E., Kučera J., Kučerová J., Marková I. & Müller F. (2024): Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XLI. Bryonora 73: 67-74. -
  • Dřevojan P., Novák P., Doležal J., Peterka T., Rohel J. & Vlčková P. (2024): Komentované fytocenologické snímky z České republiky 8. Zprávy České botanické společnosti 59: 141-161. -
  • Duque T., Chowdhury S., Isaia M., Pekár S., Riess K., Scherf G., Schäfer R.B. & Entling M.H. (2024): Sensitivity of spiders from different ecosystems to lambda-cyhalothrin: effects of phylogeny and climate. Pest Management Science 80: 857-865. -
  • Dyková I., Žák J., Blažek R., Zimmermann H., Polačik M., Bartáková V. & Reichard M. (2024): Oogenesis, spermatogenesis and spermiation structures in Lake Tanganyika Synodontis species (Mochokidae, Telostei: Siluriformes). Journal of Vertebrate Biology 73: 1-32. -
  • Elliott T.L., Spalink D., Larridon I., Zuntini A.R., Escudero M., Hackel J., Barrett R.L., Martín-Bravo S., Márquez-Corro J.I., Mendoza C.G., Mashau A.C., Romero-Soler K.J., Zhigila D.A., Gehrke B., Andrino C.O., Crayn D.M., Vorontsova M.S., Forest F., Baker W.J., Wilson K.L., Simpson D.A. & Muasya A.M. (2024): Global analysis of Poales diversification - parallel evolution in space and time into open and closed habitats. New Phytologist 242: 727-743. -
  • Englmaier F.K., Blažek R., Zimmermann H., Bartáková B., Polačik M., Žák J., Mulokozi D.P., Katongo C., Büscher H.H., Mabo L., Koblmüller S., Palandačić A. & Reichard M. (2024): Revised taxonomy of Synodontis catfishes (Siluriformes: Mochokidae) from the Lake Tanganyika basin reveals lower species diversity than expected. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 202: zlae130. -
  • Farská J., Adámek M., Schlaghamerský J., Starý J. & Devetter M. (2024): Long-term post-fire recovery of an oribatid mite assemblage: A case study from a temperate coniferous forest. Applied Soil Ecology 202: 105603. -
  • Filippov P. & Bureš P. (2024): Schoenoplectus (Reichenb.) Palla - skřípinec. In: Štěpánková J., Chrtek J. jun., Kaplan Z. (eds.). Květena České republiky = Flora of the Czech Republic. 9. Vydání první. Praha: Academia. Pp: 131-137.
  • Fořtová A., Straková P., Haviernik J., Svoboda P., Bartonička T., Kvičerová J., Růžek D. & Salát J. (2024): Brno loanvirus (BRNV) in bats inhabiting the urban area of Brno, Czech Republic. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 121: 1-4. -
  • Foulquier A., Datry T., Corti R., von Schiller D., Tockner K., Stubbington R., Gessner M.O., Boyer F., Ohlmann M., Thuiller W., Rioux D., Miquel C., Albariño R., Allen D.C., Altermatt F., Arce M.I., Arnon S., Banas D., Banegas-Medina A., Beller E., Blanchette M.L., Blessing J., Boëchat I.G., Boersma K., Bogan M., Bonada N., Bond N., Brintrup K., Bruder A., Burrows R., Cancellario T., Canhoto C., Carlson S., Cid N., Cornut J., Danger M., de Freitas Terra B., De Girolamo A.M., del Campo R., Díaz Villanueva V., Dyer F., Elosegi A., Febria, C., Figueroa Jara R., Four B., Gafny S., Gómez R., Gómez-Gener L., Guareschi S., Gücker B., Hwan, J., Jones J.I., Kubheka P.S., Laini A., Langhans S.D., Launay B., Le Goff G., Leigh C., Little C., Lorenz S., Marshall J., Martin Sanz E.J., McIntosh A., Mendoza-Lera C., Meyer E.I., Miliša M., Mlambo M.C., Morais M., Moya N., Negus P., Niyogi D., Pagán I., Papatheodoulou A., Pappagallo G., Pardo I., Pařil P., Pauls S.U., Polášek M., Rodríguez-Lozano P., Rolls R.J., Sánchez-Montoya M.M., Savić A., Shumilova O., Sridhar K.R., Steward A., Taleb A., Uzan A., Valladares Y., Vander Vorste R., Waltham N.J., Zak D.H. & Zoppini A. (2024): Unravelling large-scale patterns and drivers of biodiversity in dry rivers. Nature Communications 15: 7233. -
  • Fuad M.M.H., Tichopád T., Ondračková M., Civáňová Křížová K., Seifertová M., Voříšková K., Demko M., Vetešník L. & Vetešníková Šimková A. (2024): Trematode Diplostomum pseudospathaceum inducing differential immune gene expression in sexual and gynogenetic gibel carp (Carassius gibelio): parasites facilitating the coexistence of two reproductive forms of the invasive species. Frontiers in Immunology 15: 1392569. -
  • Gajski D., Wolff J.O., Melcher A., Weber S., Prost S., Krehenwinkel H. & Kennedy S.R. (2024): Facilitating taxonomy and phylogenetics: An informative and cost-effective protocol integrating long amplicon PCRs and third-generation sequencing. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 192: 107988. -
  • Gajski G., Mifková T., Košulič O., Michálek O., Serbina L. Michalko R. & Pekár S. (2024): Brace yourselves, winter is coming: the winter activity, natural diet, and prey preference of winter-active spiders on pear trees. Journal of Pest Science 97: 113-126. -
  • Galvánek D., Uhliarová E., Ujházy K., Ujházyová M., Janišová M. & Těšitel J. (2024): Reversing expansion of Calamagrostis epigejos in Carpathian mountain grasslands by mowing and application of hemiparasitic Rhinanthus alectorolophus. Applied Vegetation Science 27: e12782. -
  • Ghodrati S., Lesiczka P.M., Zurek L., Szekely F. & Modrý D. (2024): Rhipicephalus sanguineus from Hungarian dogs: Tick identification and detection of tick-borne pathogens. Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports 50: 101007. -
  • Glaser M., Dullinger S., Moser D., Wessely J., Chytrý M., Lososová Z., Axmanová I., Berg C., Bürger J., Buholzer S., Buldrini F., Chiarucci A., Follak S., Küzmič F., Meyer S., Pyšek P., Richner N., Šilc U., Steinkellner S., Wietzke A. & Essl F (2024): Pronounced turnover of vascular plant species in Central European arable fields over 90 years Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 361: 108798. -
  • Gnezdilov V.M., Bartlett C.R. & Malenovský I. (2024): On the identity of the Caribbean planthopper Jamaha elevans (Walker, 1858) (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Nogodinidae). 328: 549-554.
  • Gravesen E., Petráková Dušátková L., Athey K.J., Qin J. & Krogh P.H. (2024): Arthropod Food Webs in the Foreland of a Retreating Greenland Glacier: Integrating Molecular Gut Content Analysis With Structural Equation Modelling. Ecology and Evolution 14: e70687. -
  • Guo K., Pyšek P., Chytrý M., Divíšek J., Sychrová M., Lososová Z., van Kleunen M., Pierce S. & Guo W.Y. (2024): Stage dependence of Elton's biotic resistance hypothesis of biological invasions. Nature Plants 10: 1484-1492. -
  • Hájek M., Peterka T., Hájková P., Hinterlang D., Zechmeister H. & Chytrý M. (2024): Proposal (36) to conserve the name Philonotidion seriatae Hinterlang 1992 for the species-poor, bryophyte-dominated, non-calcareous arctic-alpine spring vegetation of Europe. Vegetation Classification and Survey 5: 11-15. -
  • Hajnalová M., Goláňová P., Jamrichová E., Petr L., Fránková M., Barta P., Kočárová R., Patrik G. P.G. & Pető Á. (2024): Land cover and use-history of large empty spaces at fortified Iron Age hilltop sites; a case study from La Terrasse, Bibracte oppidum. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 33: 269-288. -
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