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Plant Systematics | Vegetation Research | Mire Ecology | Invertebrates Research
Parazitology | Hydrobiology | Vertebratology | Cryptogamology


  • Abraham V., Macek M., Tkáč P., Novák D., Pokorný P., Kozáková R., Jamrichová E. & Soukupová M.G. (2023): Pollen anthropogenic indicators revisited using large-scale pollen and archaeological datasets: 12,000 years of human-vegetation interactions in central Europe. Preslia 95: 385-411. -
  • Al-Jubury A., Yin F., Abusharkh T., Fuad M.H., Kania P.W. & Buchmann K. (2023): Stationary metal sheets (copper, zinc or brass) in fish tanks prevent Ichthyophthirius multifiliis Fouquet, 1876 infection of rainbow trout: In vivo and in vitro effects. Aquaculture 577: 739945. -
  • Anettová L., Šipková A., Izquierdo-Rodriguez E., Velič V. & Modrý D. (2023): Rat lungworm survives winter: experimental overwintering of Angiostrongylus cantonensis larvae in European slugs. Parasitology 150: 950-955. -
  • Antonelli A., Fry C., Smith R.J., Eden J., Govaerts R.H.A., Kersey P., Nic Lughadha E., Onstein R.E., Simmonds M.S.J., Zizka A., Ackerman J.D., Adams V.M., Ainsworth A.M., Albouy C., Allen A.P., Allen S.P., Allio R., Auld T.D., Bachman S.P., Baker W.J., Barrett R.L., Beaulieu J.M., Bellot S., Black N., Boehnisch G., Bogarín D., Boyko J.D., Brown M.J.M., Budden A., Bureš P., Butt N., Cabral A., Cai L., Aguilar-Cano J.A., Chang Y., Charitonidou M., Chau J.H., Cheek M., Chomicki G., Coiro M., Colli-Silva M., Condamine F.L., Crayn D.M. Cribb P., Cuervo-Robayo A.P., Dahlberg A., Deklerck V., Denelle P., Dhanjal-Adams K.L., Druzhinina I., Eiserhardt W.L., Elliott T.L., Enquist B.J., Escudero M., Espinosa-Ruiz S., Fay M.F., Fernández M., Flanagan N.S., Forest F., Fowler R.M., Freiberg M., Gallagher R.V., Gaya E., Gehrke B., Gelwick K., Grace O.M., Granados Mendoza C., Grenié M., Groom Q.J., Hackel J., Hagen E.R., Hágsater E., Halley J.M., Hu A.-Q,, Jaramillo C., Kattge J., Keith D.A., Kirk P., Kissling W.D., Knapp S., Kreft H., Kuhnhäuser B.G., Larridon I., Leão T.C.C., Leitch I.J., Liimatainen K., Lim J.Y., Lucas E., Lücking R., Luján M., Luo A., Magallón S., Maitner B., Márquez-Corro J.I., Martín-Bravo S., Martins-Cunha K., Mashau A.C., Mauad A.V., Maurin O., Medina Lemos R., Merow C., Michelangeli F.A., Mifsud J.C.O., Mikryukov V., Moat J., Monro A.K., Muasya A.M., Mueller G.M., Muellner-Riehl A.N., Nargar K., Negrão R., Nicolson N., Niskanen T., Oliveira Andrino C., Olmstead R.G., Ondo I., Oses L., Parra-Sánchez E., Paton A.J., Pellicer J., Pellissier L., Pennington T.D., Pérez-Escobar O.A., Phillips C., Pironon S., Possingham H., Prance G., Przelomska N.A.S., Ramírez-Barahona S.A., Renner S.S., Rincon M., Rivers M.C., Rojas Andrés B.M., Romero-Soler K.J., Roque N., Rzedowski J., Sanmartín I., Santamaría-Aguilar D., Schellenberger Costa D., Serpell E., Seyfullah L.J., Shah T., Shen X., Silvestro D., Simpson D.A., Šmarda P., Šmerda J., Smidt E., Smith S.A., Solano-Gomez R., Sothers C., Soto Gomez M., Spalink D., Sperotto P., Sun M., Suz L.M., Svenning J.-C., Taylor A., Tedersoo L., Tietje M., Trekels M., Tremblay R.L., Turner R., Vasconcelos T., Veselý P., Villanueva B.S., Villaverde T., Vorontsova M.S., Walker B.E., Wang Z., Watson M., Weigelt P., Wenk E.H., Westrip J.R.S., Wilkinson T., Willett S.D., Wilson K.L., Winter M., Wirth C., Wölke F.J.R., Wright I.J., Zedek F., Zhigila D.A., Zimmermann N.E., Zuluaga A. & Zuntini A.R. (2023): State of the World's Plants and Fungi 2023. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 90 pp. -
  • Badino F., Pini R., Ravazzi C., Chytrý M., Bertuletti P., Bortolini E., Dudová L., Peresani M., Romandini M. & Benazzi S. (2023): High-resolution ecosystem changes pacing the millennial climate variability at the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition in NE-Italy. Scientific Reports 13: 12478. -
  • Bachorec E., Pikula J., Seidlová V., Zukalová K. & Zukal J. (2023): Hibernation strategy - related profound differences in the whole-body fat composition of bats. Journal of Vertebrate Biology 72: 1-9. -
  • Baird S.J.E., Hiadlovská Z., Daniszová K., Piálek J. & Macholán M. (2023): A gene copy number arms race in action: X,Y-chromosome transmission distortion across a species barrier. Evolution 77: 1330-1340. -
  • Baird S.J.E., Petružela J., Jaroň I., Škrabánek P. & Martínková N. (2023): Genome polarisation for detecting barriers to geneflow. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14: 512-528. -
  • Baláž V., Rivory P., Hayward D., Jaensch S., Malik R., Lee R., Modrý D. & Šlapeta J. (2023): Angie-LAMP for diagnosis of human eosinophilic meningitis using dog as proxy: A LAMP assay for Angiostrongylus cantonensis DNA in cerebrospinal fluid. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 17: e0011038. -
  • Bardůnek Valigurová A., Diakin A., Seifertová M., Vaškovicová N., Kováčiková M. & Paskerova G.G. (2023): Dispersal and invasive stages of Urospora eugregarines (Apicomplexa) from brown bodies of a polychaete host. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 201: 107997. -
  • Bardůnek Valigurová A. & Kolářová I. (2023): Unrevealing the Mystery of Latent Leishmaniasis: What Cells Can Host Leishmania? Pathogens 12: 246. -
  • Bartonička T., Křemenová J., Balvín O., Šimek Z. & Otti O. (2023): Age-related mating rates among ecologically distinct lineages of bedbugs, Cimex lectularius. Frontiers in Zoology 20: 25. -
  • Bartoš O., Klimešová B., Volfová K., Chmel M., Dresler J., Pajer P., Kabíčková H., Adamík P., Modrý D., Fučíková A.M. & Votýpka J. (2023): Two novel Bartonella (sub)species isolated from edible dormice (Glis glis): hints of cultivation stress-induced genomic changes. Frontiers in Microbiology 14: 1289671. -
  • Bazzichetto M., Lenoir J., Da Re D., Tordoni E., Rocchini D., Malavasi M., Barták V. & Sperandii M.G. (2023): Sampling strategy matters to accurately estimate response curves' parameters in species distribution models. Global Ecology and Biogeography 32: 1717-1729. -
  • Benovics M,. Vukić J., Šanda R., Nejat F., Charmpila E.A., Buj I., Shumka S., Porcelloti S., Tarkan S.A., Aksu S., Emiroğlu O. & Vetešníková Šimková A. (2023): Monogeneans and chubs: Ancient host-parasite system under the looking glass. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 179: 107667. -
  • Beran L., Čejka T., Adamcová T., Coufal R., Čačaný J., Horáčková J., Juřičková L., Podroužková Š., Říhová D., Šlachtová E. & Horsák M. (2023): Malacological news from the Czech and Slovak Republics in 2022. Malacologica Bohemoslovaca 22: 37-47. -
  • Beydizada N. & Pekár S. (2023): Personality predicts mode of attack in a generalist ground spider predator. Behavioral Ecology 34: 42-49. -
  • Beydizada N.I., Mifková T. & Pekár S. (2023): Wolbachia hampers the ability to avoid pesticide exposure in Philodromus spiders but does not alter spider's personality. Biological Control 183: 105258. -
  • Bezerra-Santos M.A., Dantas-Torres F., Mendoza-Roldan J.A., Thompson R.C.A., Modrý D. & Otranto D. (2023): Invasive mammalian wildlife and the risk of zoonotic parasites. Trends in Parasitology 39. 786-798. -
  • Bíl M., Andrášik R., Kušta T. & Bartonička T. (2023): Ungulate-vehicle crashes peak a month earlier than 38 years ago due to global warming. Climatic Change 176: 84. -
  • Bilbija B., Spitzweg C., Papoušek I., Fritz U., Földvári G., Mullett M., Ihlow F., Sprong H., Civáňová Křížová K., Anisimov N., Belova O.A., Bonnet S.I., Bychkova E., Czułowska A., Duscher G.G., Fonville M., Kahl O., Karbowiak G., Kholodilov I.S., Kiewra D., Krčmar S., Kumisbek G., Livanova N., Majláth I., Manfredi M.T., Mihalca A.D., Miró G., Moutailler S., Nebogatkin I.V., Tomanović S., Vatansever Z., Yakovich M., Zanzani S. & Široký P. (2023): Dermacentor reticulatus - a tick on its way from glacial refugia to a panmictic Eurasian population. International Journal for Parasitology 53: 91-101. -
  • Blažek J., Konečný A., Andreas M. & Bartonička T. (2023): Morphological size determination of moths in bat faeces opens possibilities to prey quantification. Biologia 78: 3179-3187. -
  • Borsukevych L.M., Iemelianova S.M. & Kolomiychuk V.P. (2023): Plant communities with the dominant Elaeagnus angustifolia in Ukraine: classification and distribution. Biologia 78: 1269-1314. -
  • Bricca A., Sperandii M.G., Acosta A.T.R., Montagnoli A., La Bella G., Terzaghi M. & Carboni M. (2023): Above- and belowground traits along a stress gradient: trade-off or not? Oikos 2023: e010043. -
  • Bureš P., Ozcan M., Šmerda J., Michálková E., Horová L., Plačková K., Šmarda P., Elliott T.L., Veselý P., Ćato S., Norouzi M.,Sheidai M. & Zedek F. (2023): Evolution of genome size and GC content in the tribe Carduinae (Asteraceae): rare descending dysploidy and polyploidy, limited environmental control and strong phylogenetic signal. Preslia 95: 185-213. -
  • Carreira B.M., Kolář V., Chmelová E., Jan J., Adašević J., Landeira-Dabarca A., Vebrová L., Poláková M., Horká P., Otáhalová Š., Musilová Z., Borovec J., Tropek R. & Boukal D.S. (2023): Bioaccumulation of chemical elements at post-industrial freshwater sites varies predictably between habitats, elements and taxa: A power law approach. Science of The Total Environment 901: 65794. -
  • Civáňová Křížová K., Seifertová M., Baruš V., Hodová I., Mašová Š., Nurcahyo W. & Foitová I. (2023): First Study of Ascaris lumbricoides from the Semiwild Population of the Sumatran Orangutan Pongo abelii in the Context of Morphological Description and Molecular Phylogeny. Life 13: 1016. -
  • Conti L., Valencia E., Galland T., Gotzenberger L., Lepš J., E-Vojtkó A., Carmona C.P., Májeková M., Danihelka J., Dengler J., Eldridge D.J., Estiarte M., García-González R., Garnier E., Gómez D., Hadincová V., Harrison S.P., Herben T., Ibáñez R., Jentsch A., Juergens N., Kertész M., Klumpp K., Krahulec F., Louault F., Marrs R.H., Ónodi G., Pakeman R.J., Pärtel M., Peco B., Peñuelas J., Rueda M., Schmidt W., Schmiedel U., Schuetz M., Skalova H., Šmilauer P., Šmilauerová M., Smit C., Song M., Stock M., Val J., Vandvik V., Ward D., Wesche K., Wiser S.K., Woodcock B.A., Young T.P., Yu F.H., Zobel M. & de Bello F. (2023): Functional trait trade-offs define plant population stability across different biomes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 290: 20230344. -
  • Coufal R., Hájková P., Hájek M., Jiroušek M., Polášek M., Horsáková V. & Horsák M. (2023): Compositional variation of endangered spring fen biota reflects within-site variation in soil temperature. Plant and Soil 485: 439-455. -
  • Csabai Z., Čiamporová-Zaťovičová Z., Boda P. & Čiampor F. (2023): 50%, not great, not terrible: Pan-European gap-analysis shows the real status of the DNA barcode reference libraries in two aquatic invertebrate groups and points the way ahead Science of The Total Environment 863: 160922. -
  • Cuypers L.N., Gryseels S., NVan Houtte N., Baird S.J.E., Sabuni C.A., Katakweba A.S., van den Burg S.R.M., Bryja J., Leirs H. & de Bellocq J.G. (2023): Subspecific rodent taxa as the relevant host taxonomic level for mammarenavirus host specificity. Virology 581: 116-127. -
  • Černecká Ľ. & Pekár S. (2023): Effect of the nutritional quality of primary food on the development, sex ratio, and size of a parasitoid in a quadri-trophic food web. European Journal of Entomology 120: 304-309. -
  • Daněk O., Lesiczka P.M., Hammerbauerova I., Volfova K., Juránková J., Frgelecová L., Modrý D. & Hrazdilova K. (2023): Role of invasive carnivores (Procyon lotor and Nyctereutes procyonoides) in epidemiology of vector-borne pathogens: molecular survey from the Czech Republic. Parasites & Vectors 16: 219. -
  • Danihelka D. & Letz D.R. (2023): Achillea. In: Goliášová, K., Hodáková, I., Mereďa, P. jun. (eds.). Flóra Slovenska VI/2, 1. časť. 1. vyd. Bratislava: Veda. Pp. 577-641.
  • De Bellocq J.G. , Fornůsková A., Ďureje Ľ., Bartákova V., Daniszová K., Dianat M., Janča M., Šabata P., Šeneklová N., Stodůlka T., Vošlajerova? Bímová B. & Macholán M. (2023): First record of the greater white-toothed shrew, Crocidura russula, in the Czech Republic. Journal of Vertebrate Biology 72: 1-9. -
  • Dedić N., Vetešník L. & Vetešníková Šimková A. (2023): Monogeneans in intergeneric hybrids of leuciscid fish: Is parasite infection driven by hybrid heterosis, genetic incompatibilities, or host-parasite coevolutionary interactions? Frontiers in Zoology 20: 5. -
  • Dengler J., Jansen F., Chusova O., Hüllbusch E., Nobis M.P., Van Meerbeek K., Axmanová I., Bruun H.H., Chytrý M., Guarino R., Karrer G., Moeys K., Raus T., Steinbauer M.J., Tichý L., Tyler T., Batsatsashvili K., Bita-Nicolae C., Didukh Y., Diekmann M., Englisch T., Fernández-Pascual E., Frank D., Graf U., Hájek M., Jelaska S.D., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Julve P., Nakhutsrishvili G., Ozinga W.A., Ruprecht E.-K., Šilc U., Theurillat J.-P. & Gillet F. (2023): Ecological Indicator Values for Europe (EIVE) 1.0. Vegetation Classification and Survey 4: 7-29. -
  • Devánová A., Sychra J., Výravský D., Šorf M., Bojková J. & Horsák M. (2023): Short and dynamic: succession of invertebrate communities over a hydroperiod in ephemeral wetlands on arable land. Inland Waters 13: 247-258. -
  • Dianat M., Voet I., Ortiz D., de Bellocq J.G., Cuypers L.N., Kryštufek B., Bureš M., Čížková D., Bryjová A., Bryja J., Nicolas V. & Konečný A. (2023): Cryptic diversity of Crocidura shrews in the savannahs of Eastern and Southern Africa. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 180: 107708. -
  • Dmitrović B.A., Gajski D., Kos T., Jelić M. & Jelaska L.S (2023): Insight into Trophic Interactions of Spiders in Olive Groves with Integrated and Ecological Pest Management Using DNA Metabarcoding. Diversity 15: 976. -
  • Dmitrović B.A., Tatalović L.I., Kos T., Crnčan P., Gajski D., Jelić M. & Jelaska L.Š. (2023): Mediterranean vineyards and olive groves in Croatia harbour some rare and endemic invertebrates. Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e100963. -
  • Drimaj J., Škorpíková L., Ilgová J., Kašný M., Reslová N., Vadlejch & J. (2023): Motolice velká poznává Evropu. A pomalu se zabydluje. Svět myslivosti 24: 34-36.
  • Dřevojan P. (2023): Kakost rozkladitý (Geranium divaricatum) dosud roste v Třebíči. Acta rerum naturalium 29: 1-4. -
  • Dřevojan P., Hájek M., Hájková P., Holá E., Jánošík L., Kolářová E., Kosorínová M., Kostadinović Z., Kubešová S., Kučera J., Manukjanová A., Mikulášková E., Mišíková K., Peterka T., Procházková J., Pulkrabová J., Štechová T., Tkáčiková J. & Zámečník J. (2023): Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XL. Bryonora 72: 34-48.
  • Dřevojan P., Hradílek Z., Koval Š., Kučera J., Mišíková K., Papp B. & Širka P. (2023): Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXXIX. Bryonora 71: 54-57. -
  • Dřevojan P., Novák P., Doležal J., Lustyk P., Peterka T., Preislerová Z. & Sedláček V. (2023): Komentované fytocenologické snímky z České republiky 7. Zprávy České botanické společnosti 58: 11-24. -
  • Dubyna D.V. & Iemelianova S.M. & Dziuba T.P. (2023): Alien plant invasion across coastal dunes of Ukraine. Biologia 78. 1401-1414. -
  • Dubyna D.V., Iemelianova S.M., Dziuba T.P. & Tymoshenko P.A. (2023): Ruderal vegetation of Kyiv City. II. Class Artemisietea vulgaris. Ukrainian Botanical Journal 80: 409-430. -
  • Dyková I. & Reichard M. (2023): Ovipositor of bitterling fishes (Cyprinidae, Acheilognathinae): fine structure from a functional perspective. Journal of Vertebrate Biology 72: 22070. -
  • Ehlers L.P., Slaviero M., De Lorenzo C., Fagundes-Moreira R., de Souza V.K., Perles L., Baggio-Souza V., Bezerra-Santos M.A., Modrý D., Benovics M., Panziera W., Driemeier D., Pavarini S.P., Soares J.F., Otranto D. & Sonne L. (2023): Pathological findings associated with Dipetalonema spp. (Spirurida, Onchocercidae) infection in two species of Neotropical monkeys from Brazil. Parasitology Research 122: 1973-1982. -
  • Elliott T.L., Larridon I., Barrett R.L., Bruhl J.J., Costa S.M., Escudero M., Hipp A.L., Jiménez-Mejías P., Kirschner J., Luceño M., Márquez-Corro J.I., Martín-Bravo S., Roalson E.H., Semmouri I., Spalink S., Thomas W.W., Villaverde T., Wilson K.L. & Muthama Muasya A. (2023): Addressing inconsistencies in Cyperaceae and Juncaceae taxonomy: Comment on Brožová et al. (2022). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 179: 107665. -
  • Elliott T.L., Muasya A.M. & Bureš P. (2023): Complex patterns of ploidy in a holocentric plant clade (Schoenus, Cyperaceae) in the Cape biodiversity hotspot. Annals of Botany 131: 143-156. -
  • Engel T., Bruelheide H., Hoss D., Sabatini F.M., Altman J., Arfin-Khan M.A.S., Erwin Bergmeier, Černý T., Chytrý M., Dainese M., Dengler J., Dolezal J., Field R., Fischer F.M., Huygens D., Jandt U., Jansen F., Jentsch A., Karger D.N., Kattge J., Lenoir J., Lens F., Loos J., Niinemets U., Overbeck G.E., Ozinga W.A., Penuelas J., Peyre G., Phillips O., Reich P.B., Römermann C., Sandel B., Schmidt M., Schrodt F., Velez-Martin E., Violle C. & Pillar V. (2023): Traits of dominant plant species drive normalized difference vegetation index in grasslands globally. Global Ecology and Biogeography 32: 695-706. -
  • Esteban-Sánchez L., Panayotova-Pencheva M., Qablan M., Modrý D., Hofmannová L. & Ponce-Gordo F. (2023): Question of agent of camel balantidiosis solved: Molecular identity, taxonomic solution and epidemiological considerations. Veterinary Parasitology 321: 109984. -
  • E-Vojtkó A., de Bello F., Lososová Z. & Götzenberger L. (2023): Phylogenetic diversity is a weak proxy for functional diversity but they are complementary in explaining community assembly patterns in temperate vegetation. Journal of Ecology 111: 2218-2230. -
  • Fahs N., Wittig B. & Zacharias D. (2023): Unerwartete Zunahme des FFH-Lebensraumtyps 6510 ?Magere Flachland Mähwiesen? im Auengrünland der Mittleren Wümme. Naturschutz in Praxis und Forschung 2023: 43-52.
  • Farhat P., Mandáková T., Divíšek J., Kudoh H., German D.A. & Lysak M.A. (2023): The evolution of the hypotetraploid Catolobus pendulus genome - the poorly known sister species of Capsella. Frontiers in Plant Science 14: 1165140. -
  • Ficsór M. & Csabai Z. (2023): Machine learning model ensemble based on multi-scale predictors confirms ecological segregation and accurately predicts the occurrence of net-spinning caddisfly larvae species groups (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) at catchment-scale. Ecological Indicators 146: 109769. -
  • Fischer F.M., Chytrý K., Chytrá H., Chytrý M. & Těšitel J. (2023): Seasonal beta-diversity of dry grassland vegetation: Divergent peaks of above-ground biomass and species richness. Journal of Vegetation Science 34: e13182. -
  • Gajdárová B., EBelotti E., Bufka L., Volfová J., Wölfl S., Mináriková T., Hollerbach L., Duľa M., Kleven O., Kutal M., Nowak C., Ozoli?š J., Tám B., Bryja J., Koubek P. & Krojerová-Prokešová J. (2023): Long-term genetic monitoring of a reintroduced Eurasian lynx population does not indicate an ongoing loss of genetic diversity. Global Ecology and Conservation 42: e02399. -
  • Gnezdilov V.M. & Malenovský I. (2023): First record of the planthopper tribe Adenissini (Hemiptera: Caliscelidae) from Socotra Island, with description of a new genus and two new species. European Journal of Taxonomy 888: 46-63. -
  • Grillini M., Beraldo P., Frangipane di Regalbono A., Dotto G., Tessarin C., Franzo G., Marchiori E., Modrý D. & Simonato G. (2023): Molecular survey of Cytauxzoon spp. and Hepatozoon spp. in felids using a novel real-time PCR approach. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 10: 1113681. -
  • Grulich V. & Májeková J. (2023): Artemisia. In: Goliášová, K., Hodáková, I., Mereďa, P. jun. (eds.). Flóra Slovenska VI/2, 1. časť. 1. vyd. Bratislava: Veda. Pp. 514-562
  • Gvoždík V., Nečas T., Jablonski D., Moriarty Lemmon E., Lemmon A.R., Jandzik D. & Moravec J. (2023): Phylogenomics of Anguis and Pseudopus (Squamata, Anguidae) indicates Balkan-Apennine mitochondrial capture associated with the Messinian event. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 180: 107674. -
  • Haase P., Bowler D.E., Baker N.J., Bonada N., Domisch S., Garcia Marquez J.R., Heino J., Hering D., Jähnig S.C., Schmidt-Kloiber A., Stubbington R., Altermatt F., Álvarez-Cabria M., Amatulli G., Angeler D.G., Archambaud-Suard G., Jorrín I.A., Aspin T., Azpiroz I., Bañares U., Ortiz J.B., Bodin C.L., Bonacina L., Bottarin R., Cañedo-Argüelles M., Csabai Z., Datry T., de Eyto E., Dohet A., Dörflinger G., Drohan E., Eikland K.A., England J., Eriksen T.E., Evtimova V., Feio M.J., Ferréol M., Floury M., Forcellini M., Forio M.A.E., Fornaroli R., Friberg N., Fruget J.-F., Georgieva G., Goethals P., Graça M.A.S., Graf W., House A., Huttunen K.-L., Jensen T.C., Johnson R.K., Jones J.I., Kiesel J., Kuglerová L., Larrañaga A., Leitner P., L'Hoste L., Lizée M.-H., Lorenz A.W., Maire A., Manzanos Arnaiz J.A.,McKie B.G., Millán A., Monteith D., Muotka T., Murphy J.F., Ozolins D., Paavola R., Pařil P., Peñas F.J., Pilotto F., Polášek M., Rasmussen J.J., Rubio M., Sánchez-Fernández D., Sandin L., Schäfer R.B., Scotti A., Shen L.Q., Skuja A., Stoll S., Straka M., Timm H., Tyufekchieva V.G., Tziortzis I., Uzunov Y., van der Lee G.H., Vannevel R., Varadinova E., Várbíró G., Velle G., Verdonschot P.F.M., Verdonschot R.C.M., Vidinova Y., Wiberg-Larsen P. & Welti E.A.R. (2023): The recovery of European freshwater biodiversity has come to a halt. Nature 620: 582-588. -
  • Haileselasie T.H., Mulualem G. & Welegerima K. (2023): The first large-scale record of gelada's spatial distribution and population size in Mountain chains of Tigray, Northern Ethiopia. Heliyon 9: e19346. -
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