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Plant Systematics | Vegetation Research | Mire Ecology | Invertebrates Research
Parazitology | Hydrobiology | Vertebratology | Cryptogamology


  • Acosta A.A., Mendoza-Palmero C.A., da Silva R.J. & Scholz T. (2019): A new genus and four new species of dactylogyrids (Monogenea), gill parasites of pimelodid catfishes (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae) in South America and the reassignment of Urocleidoides megorchis Mizelle et Kritsky, 1969. Folia Parasitologica 66: 004. -
  • Adámková A., Bílková Z., Tomášek O., Šimek Z. & Albrecht T. (2019): Feather steroid hormone concentrations in relation to age, sex, and molting time in a long-distance migratory passerine. Ecology and Evolution 9: 9018-9026. -
  • Aghová T., Palupčíková K., Šumbera R., Frynta D., Lavrenchenko L.A., Meheretu Y., Sádlová J., Votýpka J., Mbau J.S., Modrý D. & Bryja J. (2019): Multiple radiations of spiny mice (Rodentia: Acomys) in dry open habitats of Afro-Arabia: evidence from a multi-locus phylogeny. BMC Evolutionary Biology 19: 69. -
  • Alessi N., Těšitel J., Zerbe S., Spada F., Agrillo E. & Wellstein C (2019): Ancient refugia and present-day habitat suitability of native laurophylls in Italy. Journal of Vegetation Science 30: 564-574. -
  • Angiolini C., Viciani D., Bonari G., Zoccola A., Bottacci A., Ciampelli P., Gonnelli V. & Lastrucci L. (2019): Environmental drivers of plant assemblages: are there differences between palustrine and lacustrine wetlands? A case study from the northern Apennines (Italy). Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 420:34. -
  • Bartáková V., Bryja J., Šanda R., Bektas Y., Stefanov T., Choleva L., Smith C. & Reichard M. (2019): High cryptic diversity of bitterling fish in the southern West Palearctic. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 133: 1-11. -
  • Bartolucci F., Domina G., Alessandrini A., Angiolini C., Ardenghi N.M.G., Bacchetta G., Banfi E., Bolpagni R., Bonari G., Bräuchler C., Calvia G., Cancellieri L., Cannucci S., Carruggio F., Conti F., Cavallaro V., Fanfarillo E., Ferretti G., Festi F., Fiaschi T., Foggi B., Forte L., Fröhner S.E., Galasso G., Gestri G., Gottschlich G., Labadessa R., Lastrucci L., Lazzaro L., Mereu G., Morabito A., Mugnai M., Musarella C.M., Orsenigo S., Pazienza G., Pennesi R., Peruzzi L., Pierini B., Podda L., Prosser F., Rossi G., Scoppola A., Spampinato G., Stinca A., Tomaselli V., Zangari G. & Nepi C. (2019): Notulae to the Italian native vascular flora: 7. Italian Botanist 7: 125-148. -
  • Bartolucci F., Domina G., Ardenghi N.M.G., Bacaro G., Bacchetta G., Ballarin F., Banfi E., Barberis G., Beccarisi L., Bernardo L., Bonari G., Bonini F., Brullo S., Buono S., Buono V., Calbi M., Caldararo F., Calvia G., Cancellieri L., Cannavò S., Dagnino D., Esposito A., Fascetti S., Filibeck G., Fiorini G., Forte L., Galasso G., Gestri G., Gigante D., Gottschlich G., Gubellini L., Hofmann N., Lastrucci L., Lonati M., Lorenz R., Lunardi L., Magrini S., Mainetti A., Maiorca, G., Mereu G., Ballarin R.T.M., Minuto L., Mossini S., Musarella C.M., Nimis P.L., Passalacqua N.G., Peccenini S., Petriglia B., Podda L., Potenza G., Enri S.R., Roma-Marzio F., Rosati L., Ruggero A., Spampinato G., Stinca, A., Tiburtini M., Tietto C., Tomaselli V., Turcato C., Viciani D., Wagensommer R.P. & Nepi C. (2019): Notulae to the Italian native vascular flora: 8. Italian Botanist 8: 95-116. -
  • Bartonička T., Miketová N. & Hulva P. (2019): High throughput bioacoustic monitoring and phenology of the greater noctule bat (Nyctalus lasiopterus) compared to other migratory species. Acta Chiropterologica 21: 75-85. -
  • Bartošová M., Schenková J., Polášková V., Bojková J., Šorfová V. & Horsák M. (2019): Macroinvertebrate assemblages of the post-mining calcareous stream habitats: Are they similar to those inhabiting the natural calcareous springs? Ecological Engineering 136: 38-45. -
  • Baškiera S. & Gvoždík L. (2019): Repeatability of thermal reaction norms for spontaneous locomotor activity in juvenile newts. Journal of Thermal Biology 80: 126-132. -
  • Beran L., Horsák M. & Hofman S. (2019): First records of Viviparus acerosus (Bourguignat, 1862) (Gastropoda: Viviparidae) from the Czech Republic outside its native range. Folia Malacologica 27: 223-229. -
  • Bílková Z., Adámková M., Albrecht T. & Šimek Z. (2019): Determination of testosterone and corticosterone in feathers using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 1590: 96-103. -
  • Blažek J., Zukal J., Bandouchova H., Berková H., Kovacova V., Martínková N., Pikula J., Řehák Z., Škrabánek P. & Bartonička T. (2019): Numerous cold arousals and rare arousal cascades as a hibernation strategyin European Myotis bats. Journal of Thermal Biology 82: 150-156. -
  • Blažek R. & Gelnar M. (2019): Glochidióza. In: Palíková, M. (ed). Nemoci a chorobné stavy ryb. 1. vyd. Vodňany : Jihočeská univerzita, Fakulta rybářství a ochrany vod. 462 stran. ISBN 978-80-7514-085-2. Pp. 331-333.
  • Boeuf R., Berchtold J.-P., Šmarda P., Gregor T., Viane R., Holveck P. & Nguefack J. (2019): Les fétuques du massif vosgien et des territoires ou contrées avoisinants: quelques taxons méconnus, inédits ou nouveaux pour l'Alsace, la dition, la France ou plus largement pour la flore. Botanique 5: 5-47
  • Bonari G., Fiaschi T., Chytrý K., Biagioli M. & Angiolini C. (2019): Coriaria myrtifolia-dominated vegetation: syntaxonomic considerations on a newly found community type in Tuscany (Italy). Plant Sociology 56: 99-112. -
  • Bonari G., Knollová I., Vlčková P., Xystrakis F., Çoban S., Sağlam C., Didukh Y.P., Hennekens S.M., Stephan M., Acosta A.T.R., Angiolini C., Bergmeier E., Bertacchi A., Costa J.C., Fanfarillo E., Gigante D., Guarino R., Landi M., Neto C.S., Pesaresi S., Rosati L., Selvi F., Sotiriou A., Stinca A., Turcato C., Tzonev R., Viciani D. & Chytrý M. (2019): CircumMed Pine Forest Database: an electronic archive for Mediterranean and Submediterranean pine forest vegetation data. Phytocoenologia 49: 311-318 [Editorial Material]. -
  • Bonari G., Monaci F., Nannoni F., Angiolini c. & Protano G. (2019): Trace Element Uptake and Accumulation in the Medicinal Herb Hypericum perforatum L. Across Different Geolithological Settings. Biological Trace Element Research 189: 267-276. -
  • Bonari G., Těšitel J., Migliorini M., Angiolini C., Protano G., Nannoni F., Schlaghamerský J. & Chytrý M. (2019): Conservation of the Mediterranean coastal pine woodlands: How canmanagement support biodiversity? Forest Ecology and Management 443: 28-35. -
  • Bryja J., Colangelo P., Lavrenchenko L.A., Meheretu Y., Šumbera R., Bryjová A., Verheyen E., Leirs H. & Castiglia R. (2019): Diversity and evolution of African Grass Rats (Muridae: Arvicanthis)/From radiation in East Africa to repeated colonization of northwestern and southeastern savannas. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 57: 970-988. -
  • Bryja J., Meheretu Y., Šumbera R. & Lavrenchenko L.A. (2019): Annotated checklist, taxonomy and distribution of rodents in Ethiopia. Folia Zoologica 68: 117-213. -
  • Burdíková N., Kjærandsen J., Lindemann J.P., Kaspřák D., Tóthová A. & Ševčík J. (2019): Molecular phylogeny of the Paleogene fungus gnat tribe Exechiini (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) revisited: Monophyly of genera established and rapid radiation confirmed. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 57: 806-821. -
  • Cannucci S., Angiolini C., Anselmi B., Banfi E., Biagioli M., Castagnini P., Centi C., Fiaschi T., Foggi B., Gabellini A., Lastrucci L., Lattanzi E., Scoppola A., Selvi F., Viciani D. & Bonari G. (2019): Contribution to the knowledge of the vascular flora of Miniera di Murlo area (southern Tuscany, Italy). Italian Botanist 7: 51-67. -
  • Czarniecka-Wiera M., Kącki Z., Chytrý M. & Palpurina S. (2019): Diversity loss in grasslands due to the increasing dominance of alien and native competitive herbs. Biodiversity and Conservation 28: 2781-2796. -
  • Dabkowski J., Frodlová J., Hájek M., Hájková P., Petr L., Fiorillo D., Dudová L. & Horsák M. (2019): A complete Holocene climate and environment record for the Western Carpathians (Slovakia) derived from a tufa deposit. The Holocene 29: 493-504. -
  • Davranoglou L.-R., Mortimer B., Taylor G.K. & Malenovský I. (2019): On the morphology and possible function of two putative vibroacoustic mechanisms in derbid planthoppers (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Derbidae). Arthropod Structure & Development 52: 100880. - fulltext on ScienceDirect
  • Dederichs T.M., Müller C.H., Sentenská L., Lipke E., Uhl G. & Michalik P. (2019): The innervation of the male copulatory organ of spiders (Araneae) - a comparative analysis. Frontiers in Zoology 16:39. -
  • Den Bieman K., Malenovský I., Burckhardt D. & Heijerman T. (2019): First checklist of the Dutch jumping plant lice since 93 years (Hemiptera: Psylloidea). Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen 53: 55-118.
  • Dítě D., Dítě Z., Hájková P. & Šuvada R. (2019): Vegetation and ecological characteristics of the northernmost salt marshes of the European continent. Nordic Journal of Botany 37: e02334. -
  • Drábková M., Jachníková N., Tyml T., Sehadová H., Ditrich O., Myšková E., Hypša V. & Štefka J. (2019): Population co-divergence in common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) and its dicyemid parasite in the Mediterranean Sea. Scientific Reports 9: 14300. -
  • Dřevojan P., Biedermann S., Bitušík P., Bradáčová J., Janišová M., Koníček V., Koval Š., Kučera J., Lukáč M., Máliš F., Müller F., Peterka T., Širka P., Ujházy K., Ujházyová M. & Zemanová L. (2019): Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXXI. Bryonora 23-34.
  • Dřevojan P., Jandová J., Kubešová S., Kučera J., Lukáč M., Suja J., Širka P., Tkáčiková J., Vicherová E. & Zmrhalová M. (2019): Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXXII. Bryonora 64: 46-53
  • Dyková I. (2019): Améboidní organismy. In: Palíková, M. (ed). Nemoci a chorobné stavy ryb. 1. vyd. Vodňany : Jihočeská univerzita, Fakulta rybářství a ochrany vod. 462 stran. ISBN 978-80-7514-085-2. Pp. 171-180.
  • Dyková I. (2019): Microsporidia. In: Palíková, M. (ed). Nemoci a chorobné stavy ryb. 1. vyd. Vodňany : Jihočeská univerzita, Fakulta rybářství a ochrany vod. 462 stran. ISBN 978-80-7514-085-2. Pp. 197-205.
  • English C.J., Tyml T., Botwright N.A., Barnes A.C., Wynne J.W., Lima P.C. & Cook M.T. (2019): A diversity of amoebae colonise the gills of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) with amoebic gill disease (AGD). European Journal of Protistology 67: 27-45. -
  • Fanfarillo E., Scoppola A., Lososová Z. & Abbate G. (2019): Segetal plant communities of traditional agroecosystems: a phytosociological survey in central Italy. Phytocoenologia 49: 165-183. -
  • Galasso G., Domina G., Andreatta S., Angiolini C., Ardenghi N.M.G., Aristarchi C., Arnoul M., Azzella M.M., Bacchetta G., Bartolucci F., Bodino S., Bommartini G., Bonari G., Buono S., Buono V., Caldarella O., Calvia G., Corti E., D'Antraccoli M., De Luca R., De Mattia F., Di Natale S., Di Turi A., Esposito A., Ferretti G., Fiaschi T., Fogu M.C., Forte L., Frigerio J., Gubellini L., Guzzetti L., Hofmann N., Laface V.L.A., Laghetti G., Lallai A., La Rosa A., Lazzaro L., Lodetti S., Lonati M., Luchino F., Magrini S., Mainetti A., Marignani M., Maruca G., Medagli P, Mei G., Menini F., Mezzasalma V., Misuri A., Mossini S., Mugnai M., Musarella C.M., Nota G., Olivieri N., Padula A., Pascale M., Pasquini F., Peruzzi L., Picella G., Pinzani L., Pirani S., Pittarello M., Podda L., Ravetto Enri S., Rifici C.D., Roma-Marzio F., Romano R., Rosati L., Scafidi F., Scarici E., Scarici M., Spampinato G., Stinca A., Wagensommer R.P., Zanoni G. & Nepi C. (2019): Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 8. Italian Botanist 8: 63-93. -
  • Galasso G., Domina G., Ardenghi N.M., Aristarchi C., Bacchetta G., Bartolucci F., Bonari G., Bouvet D., Brundu G., Buono S., Caldarella O., Calvia G., Cano-Ortiz A., Corti E., DˈAmico F.S., DˈAntraccoli M., Turi A.D., Dutto M., Fanfarillo E., Ferretti G., Fiaschi T., Ganz C., Guarino R., Iberite M., Laface V.L.A., La Rosa A., Lastrucci L., Latini M., Lazzaro L., Lonati M., Lozano V., Luchino F., Magrini S., Mainetti A., Manca M., Mugnai M., Musarella C.M., Nicolella G., Olivieri N., Orrù I., Pazienza G., Peruzzi L., Podda L., Prosser F., Ravetto Enri S., Restivo S., Roma-Marzio F., Ruggero A., Scoppola A., Selvi F., Spampinato G., Stinca A., Terzi M., Tiburtini M., Tornatore E., Vetromile R. & Nepi C. (2019): Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 7. Italian Botanist 7: 157-182. -
  • Garajová M., Mrva M., Vaškovicová N., Martinka M. & Melicherová J. Valigurová A. (2019): Cellulose fibrils formation and organisation of cytoskeleton during encystment are essential for Acanthamoeba cyst wall architecture. Scientific Reports 9: 4466. -
  • Gelnar M., Řehulková E. & Zusková E. (2019): Onemocnění působená eukaryotickými organismy. Monogenea. In: Palíková, M. (ed). Nemoci a chorobné stavy ryb. 1. vyd. Vodňany : Jihočeská univerzita, Fakulta rybářství a ochrany vod. 462 stran. ISBN 978-80-7514-085-2. Pp. 233-259.
  • Gholizadeh H., Naqinezhad A. & Chytrý M. (2019): Hyrcanian Forest Vegetation Database. Phytocoenologia 49: 209-210. -
  • Hagge J., Abrego N., Bässler C., Bouget C., Brin A., Brustel H., Christensen M., Gossner M.M., Heilmann-Clausen J., Horák J., Gruppe A., Isacsson G., Köhler F., Lachat T., Larrieu L., Schlaghamersky J., Thorn S., Zapponi L. & Müller J. (2019): Congruent patterns of functional diversity in saproxylic beetles and fungi across European beech forests. Journal of Biogeography 46:1054-1065. -
  • Hájková P., Jamrichová E., Wiezik M., Peterka T., Petr L., Singh P., Máliš F., Fajmonová Z. & Hájek M. (2019): Spruce representation in zonal woodlands may be overestimated when using pollen spectra from peatlands. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 271: 104104. -
  • Helešic J. (2019): Pošvatky In: Kolibáč, Jiří a kol. Příroda České republiky: průvodce faunou. Druhé, upravené a doplněné vydání. Praha: Academia, 2019. 466 stran. ISBN 978-80-200-2993-5. Pp. 110-111.
  • Hofmeister J., Hošek J., Brabec M., Hermy M., Dvořák D., Fellner R., Malíček J., Palice Z., Tenčík A., Holá E., Novozámská E., Kuras T., Kuras F., Zedek M., Kašák J., Gabriš R., Sedláček O., Tajovský K. & Kadlec T. (2019): Shared affinity of various forest-dwelling taxa point to the continuity of temperate forests. Ecological Indicators 101: 904-912. -
  • Holec J., Běťák J., Dvořák D., Kříž M., Kuchaříková M., Krzyściak-Kosińska R. & Kučera T. (2019): Macrofungi on fallen oak trunks in the Białowieża Virgin Forest - ecological role of trunk parameters and surrounding vegetation. Czech Mycology 71: 65-89. -
  • Honek A., Martinkova Z., Roy H.E., Dixon A.F.G., Skuhrovec J., Pekár S. & Brabec M. (2019): Differences in the Phenology of Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and Native Coccinellids in Central Europe. Environmental Entomology 48: 80-87. -
  • Honěk A., Brabec M., Martinková Z., Dixon A.F.G., Pekár S. & Skuhrovec J. (2019): Factors determining local and seasonal variation in abundance of Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in Central Europe. European Journal of Entomology 116: 93-103. -
  • Horsák M., Kolibáč J., Laštůvka Z. & Malenovský I. (2019): Systematický přehled živočichů a počty druhů v ČR. In: Kolibáč, Jiří a kol. Příroda České republiky: průvodce faunou. Druhé, upravené a doplněné vydání. Praha: Academia, 2019. 466 stran. ISBN 978-80-200-2993-5. Pp. 19-22.
  • Horsák M., Limondin-Lozouet N., Juřičková L., Granai S., Horáčková J., Legentil C. & Ložek V. (2019): Holocene succession patterns of land snails across temperate Europe: East to west variation related to glacial refugia, climate and human impact. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 524: 13-24. - fulltext on ScienceDirect
  • Horsák M. & Vašátko J. (2019): Měkkýši. In: Kolibáč, Jiří a kol. Příroda České republiky: průvodce faunou. Druhé, upravené a doplněné vydání. Praha: Academia, 2019. 466 stran. ISBN 978-80-200-2993-5. Pp. 28-29.
  • Horsák M. & Vašátko J. (2019): Mlži. In: Kolibáč, Jiří a kol. Příroda České republiky: průvodce faunou. Druhé, upravené a doplněné vydání. Praha: Academia, 2019. 466 stran. ISBN 978-80-200-2993-5. Pp. 44-45.
  • Horsák M. & Vašátko J. (2019): Plži. In: Kolibáč, Jiří a kol. Příroda České republiky: průvodce faunou. Druhé, upravené a doplněné vydání. Praha: Academia, 2019. 466 stran. ISBN 978-80-200-2993-5. Pp. 30-43.
  • Horsáková V., Nekola J.C. & Horsák M. (2019): When is a "cryptic" species not a cryptic species: A consideration from the Holarctic micro-landsnail genus Euconulus (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 132: 307-320. - fulltext on ScienceDirect
  • Hradílek Z. & Dřevojan P. (2019): Mech Fissidens crassipes v České republice a na Slovensku. Bryonora 63: 1-12. - fulltext in pdf
  • Hubáček J., Šugerková M. & Gvoždík L. (2019): Underwater sound production varies within not between species in sympatric newts. PeerJ 7: e6649. - fulltext in pdf
  • Chiarucci A., Pärtel M., Pillar V.D. & Chytrý M. (2019): Applied vegetation science addresses emerging global issues. Applied Vegetation Science 22: 1-2 [Editorial]. - fulltext in Wiley Online Library
  • Cho G., Malenovský I. & Lee S. (2019): Higher-level molecular phylogeny of jumping plant lice (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Psylloidea). Systematic Entomology 44: 638-651. - fulltext in Wiley Online Library
  • Chytrý K., Novák P., Kalníková V., Večeřa M., Prokešová H., Dřevojan P. & Chytrý M. (2019): Dry grassland vegetation in the Transcarpathian Lowland (western Ukraine). Tuexenia 39: 335-355. - fulltext in pdf
  • Chytrý M., Divíšek J. & Večeřa M. (2019): Biogeografie druhové diverzity rostlinných společenstev. Živa 5: 243-246. - fulltext pdf file
  • Chytrý M., Hájek M., Kočí M., Pešout P., Roleček J., Sádlo J., Šumberová K., Sychra J., Boublík K., Douda J., Grulich V., Härtel H., Hédl R., Lustyk P., Navrátilová J., Novák P., Peterka T., Vydrová A. & Chobot K. (2019): Red List of Habitats of the Czech Republic. Ecological Indicators 106: 105446. -
  • Chytrý M., Horsák M., Danihelka J., Ermakov N., German D.A., Hájek M., Hájková P., Kočí M., Kubešová S., Lustyk P., Nekola J.C., Pavelková Řičánková V., Preislerová Z., Resl P. & Valachovič M. (2019): A modern analogue of the Pleistocene steppe-tundra ecosystem in southern Siberia. Boreas 48: 36-56. -
  • Chytrý M., Chiarucci A., Pärtel M., Pillar V.D., Bakker J.P., Mucina L., Peet R.K. & White P.S. (2019): Progress in vegetation science: Trends over the past three decades and new horizons. Journal of Vegetation Science 30: 1-4 [Editorial]. -
  • Jamrichová E., Bobek P., Šolcová A., Tkáč P.,Hédl R. & Valachovič M. (2019): Lowland pine forests in the northwestern Pannonian Basin: between natural vegetation and modern plantations. Regional Environmental Change 19: 2395-2409. -
  • Jedličková L., Dvořák J., Hrachovinová I., Ulrychová L., Kašný M. & Mikeš L. (2019): A novel Kunitz protein with proposed dual function from Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea) impairs haemostasis and action of complement in vitro. International Journal for Parasitology 49: 337-346. -
  • Jongepierová I., Prach K., Fajmon K., Malaníková E., Malenovský I. & Spitzer L. (2019): Restoration of species-rich grasslands in the White Carpathian Mts. In: Jongepierová I., Pešout P. & Prach K. (eds.). Ecological restoration in the Czech Republic II, Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic, Praha. Pp. 76-80.
  • Jongepierová I., Prach K., Tichý L. & Malenovský I. (2019): Secondary grasslands and heathlands. Introduction. In: JONGEPIEROVÁ, Ivana, Pavel PEŠOUT a Karel PRACH. Ecological restoration in the Czech Republic II. Prague: Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic. ISBN 978-80-7620-040-1. Pp. 61-71.
  • Kalníková V. (2019): Epipactis purpurata Sm. In: Lustyk P., Doležal J. [eds]. Additamenta ad floram Reipublicae Bohemicae XVII. Zprávy České botanické společnosti 54: 89.
  • Kalníková V., Dřevojan P., Večeřa M. & Novák P. (2019): Srovnání vegetace říčních náplavů Labe s dalšími řekami napříč Českou republikou. Příroda 39: 167-187.
  • Kalusová V., Čeplová N., Chytrý M., Danihelka J., Dřevojan P., Fajmon K., Hájek O., Kalníková V., Novák P., Řehořek V., Těšitel J., Tichý L., Wirth T. & Lososová Z. (2019): Similar responses of native and alien floras in European cities to climate. Journal of Biogeography 46: 1406-1418. -
  • Kaspřák D., Kerr P., Sýkora V., Tóthová A. & Ševčík J. (2019): Molecular phylogeny of the fungus gnat subfamilies Gnoristinae and Mycomyinae, and their position within Mycetophilidae (Diptera). Systematic Entomology 44: 128-138. -
  • Klimov P., Molva V., Nesvorna M., Pekar S., Shcherbachenko E., Erban T. & Hubert J. (2019): Dynamics of the microbial community during growth of the house dust mite Dermatophagoides farinae in culture. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 95: fiz153. -
  • Kment P., Hánová A. & Vašíček M. (2019): Kněžice mramorovaná na Moravě i v Čechách. Živa 2: 89. - fulltext pdf file
  • Kment P., Hemala V. & Malenovský I. (2019): Scanning the Hyocephalidae: details of their external morphology with respect to phylogenetic relationships within Eutrichophora (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 59: 423-441. -
  • Kostin D.S., Kasso M., Komarova V.A., Martynov A.A., Gromov A.R., Alexandrov D.Y., Bekele A., Zewdie C., Bryja J. & Lavrenchenko L.A. (2019): Taxonomic and genetic diversity of rodents from the Arsi Mountains (Ethiopia). Mammalia 83: 237-247. -
  • Košulič O. & Mašová Š. (2019): First Report on Mermithid Parasitism (Enoplea: Mermithidae) in a Southeast Asian Spider (Araneae: Araneidae). Helminthologia 56: 157-167. -
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