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Plant Systematics | Vegetation Research | Mire Ecology | Invertebrates Research
Parazitology | Hydrobiology | Vertebratology | Cryptogamology


  • Ambrožová K., Mandáková T., Bureš P., Neumann P., Leitch I.J., Koblížková A., Macas J. & Lysák M. (2011): Diverse retrotransposon families and an AT-rich satellite DNA revealed in giant genomes of Fritillaria lilies. Annals of Botany 107: 255-268.
  • Antonín V., Beran M., Borovička J., Dvořák D. & Holec J. (2011): Clitocybula familia (Fungi, Agaricales) - taxonomy, distribution, ecology and first records in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Czech Mycology 63: 1-11.
  • Axmanová I., Zelený D., Li C.-F. & Chytrý M. (2011): Environmental factors influencing herb layer productivity in Central European oak forests: insights from soil and biomass analyses and a phytometer experiment. Plant and Soil 342: 183-194. - fulltext on SpringerLink
  • Bartonička T. & Jedlička P. (2011): First record of Miniopterus schreibersii in the Czech Republic (Chiroptera: Miniopteridae). Lynx 42: 83-89.
  • Bartonička T. & Jedlička P. (2011): Zařízení pro sledování pohybu zvířat opatřených vysílači. Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví, Praha patent č. 23077.
  • Bartonička T. & Kutal M. (2011): Úkryty a lovecká aktivita netopýrů v parcích města Olomouce. Vespertilio 15: 43-53.
  • Benda P., Abi-Said M., Bartonička T., Bilgin R., Faizolahi K., Lučan R., Nicolaou H., Reiter A., Shohdi W., Uhrin M. & Horáček I. (2011): Rousettus aegyptiacus (Pteropodidae) in the Palaearctic: list of records and revision of the distribution range. Vespertilio 15: 3-36.
  • Beran L. & Horsák M. (2011): Habitat requirements and distribution of Gyraulus rosmaessleri (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) in northwestern Bohemia. Journal of Conchology 40: 509-513.
  • Bojková J. & Kroča J. (2011): Historic and current distribution of an endangered stonefly Perla grandis (Plecoptera: Perlidae) in the Czech Republic. Klapalekiana 47: 153-163.
  • Bojková J., Schenková J., Horsák M. & Hájek M. (2011): Species richness and composition patterns of clitellate (Annelida) assemblages in the treeless spring fens: the effect of water chemistry and substrate. Hydrobiologia 667: 159-171.
  • Bojková J., Soldán T., Špaček J. & Straka M. (2011): Distribution of stoneflies of the family Taeniopterygidae (Plecoptera) in the Czech Republic: earlier data, new records and recent distributional changes. Časopis Slezského muzea Opava (A) 60: 239-258.
  • Buchtíková S., Šimková A., Rohlenová K., Flajšhans M., Lojek A., Lilius E.-M. & Hyršl P. (2011): The seasonal changes in innate immunity of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Aquaculture 318: 169-175.
  • Cameron R.A.D., Ożgo M., Horsák M. & Bogucki Z. (2011): At the north-eastern extremity: variation in Cepaea nemoralis around Gdańsk, northern Poland. Biologia 66: 1097-1113.
  • Cameron R.A.D, Pokryszko B.M., Horsák M., Sirbu I. & Gheoca V. (2011): Forest snail faunas from Transylvania (Romania), and their relationship to the faunas of Central and Northern Europe. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 104: 471-479.
  • Cardoso P., Pekár S., Jocqué R. & Coddington J.A. (2011): Global patterns of guild composition and functional diversity of spiders. PLoS ONE 6: e21710.
  • Czerwik-Marcinkowska J. & Uher B. (2011): Cyanophytes on limestone rocks in the Szopczański Gorge (Pieniny Mountains) - their ecomorphology and ultrastructure. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 80: 205-209.
  • Daniëls F.J.A., De Molenaar J.G., Chytrý M. & Tichý L. (2011): Vegetation change in Southeast Greenland? Tasiilaq revisited after 40 years. Applied Vegetation Science 14: 230-241. - fulltext in Wiley Online Library
  • Danihelka J. (2011): Digitaria ciliaris (Retz.) Koeler. In: Hadinec J. & Lustyk P. (eds). Additamenta ad floram Reipublicae Bohemicae. IX. Zprávy České Botanické Společnosti 46: 85-87.
  • Danihelka J. (2011): Kruhatka Matthiolova (Cortusa matthioli) v Sudetech aneb anti-Hendrych. Zprávy České botanické společnosti 46: 251-263.
  • Danihelka J. (2011): Znovu o rozrazilu pamětníkolistém, Veronica acinifolia. Zprávy České botanické společnosti Zprávy České botanické společnosti 46: 45-50. - fulltext in pdf
  • Dávidová M., Blažek R., Trichkova T., Koutrakis E., Gaygusuz O., Ercan E. & Ondračková M. (2011): The role of the European bitterling (Rhodeus amarus, Cyprinidae) in parasite accumulation and transmission in riverine ecosystems. Aquatic Ecology 45: 377-387.
  • Dengler J., Jansen F., Glöckler F., Peet R.K., De Cáceres M., Chytrý M., Ewald J., Oldeland J., Lopez-Gonzalez G., Finckh M., Mucina L., Rodwell J.S., Schaminée J.H.J. & Spencer N. (2011): The Global Index of Vegetation-Plot Databases (GIVD): a new resource for vegetation science. Journal of Vegetation Science 22: 582-597. - fulltext in Wiley Online Library
  • Dítě D., Grulich V. & Eliáš P. (2011): Contributions to the distribution and ecology of Carex hordeistichos Vill. in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Biodiversity: Research and Conservation 21: 55-62.
  • Dítě D., Šoltés R., Hájková P. & Hájek M. (2011): Reliktný druh Catoscopium nigritum (Bryophyta) na slatinných rašeliniskách Západných Karpát (Slovensko). Bryonora 48: 14-20.
  • Dlauchy D., Tornai-Lehoczki J., Sedláček I., Audy M. & Péter G. (2011): Debaryomyces psychrosporus sp. nov., a yeast species from a Venezuelan cave. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 99: 619-628.
  • Dřevojan P., Roleček J., Žáková K. & Bartoňová L. (2011): Nové poznatky o rozšíření prorostlíku prutnatého (Bupleurum affine) na Moravě. Zprávy České botanické společnosti 46: 223-229.
  • Dvořák D. (2011): Rozšíření škárky hvězdicovité v ČR a poznámky k její ekologii. Mykologické listy 118: 7-16.
  • Dvořáková J., Ložek V., Horsák M. & Pechanec V. (2011): Atlas rozšíření suchozemských plžů v CHKO Bílé Karpaty. Acta Carpathica Occidentalis, Vsetín, Suppl. 1 124 pp.
  • Eisenhauer N., Schlaghamerský J., Reich P.B. & Frelich L.E. (2011): The wave towards a new steady state: effects of earthworm invasion on soil microbial functions. Biological Invasions 13: 2191-2196.
  • Foitová I., Mašová Š., Tenora F., Koubková B., Hodová I., Vyskočilová M., Baruš V. & Nurcahyo W. (2011): Redescription and ressurection of Bertiella satyri (Cestoda, Anoplocephalidae) parasitizing the orangutan (Pongo abelii) in Indonesia. Parasitology Research 109: 689-697.
  • Francová K. & Ondračková M. (2011): Host-parasite interactions in sympatric and allopatric populations of European bitterling. Parasitology Research 109: 801-808.
  • Francová K., Ondračková M., Polačik M. & Jurajda P. (2011): Parasite fauna of native and non-native populations of Neogobius melanostomus (Gobiidae) in the longitudinal profile of the Danube River. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 27:879-886.
  • Gaisler J., Kovařík M. & Štefka L. (2011): Two unusual records of the lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros) in the Moravian Karst (Czech Republic). Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 22: 73-79.
  • Gomila M., Tvrzová L., Teshim A., Sedláček I., Gonzáles-Escaslona N., Zdráhal Z., Šedo O., Gonzáles J.F., Bennasar A., Moore E.R.B., Lalucat J. & Murialdo S.E. (2011): Achromobacter marplatensis sp. nov., isolated from a pentachlorophenol contaminated soil. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 61: 2231-2237.
  • Grulich V. (2011): Anthriscus nitida. Zprávy České botanické společnosti 45: 54-55.
  • Grulich V. (2011): Arctium nemorosum. Zprávy České botanické společnosti 45: 55-56.
  • Grulich V. (2011): Cichorium endivia. Zprávy České botanické společnosti 45: 71-72.
  • Grulich V. (2011): Dianthus sylvaticus. Zprávy České botanické společnosti 45: 84-85.
  • Grulich V. (2011): Senecio subalpinus. Zprávy České botanické společnosti 45: 144-146.
  • Grulich V. (2011): Trifolium alexandrinum. Zprávy České botanické společnosti 45: 151-152.
  • Grulich V. & P. Šiška (2011): Equisetum variegatum. Zprávy České botanické společnosti 45: 94-95.
  • Grulich V. & Vydrová A. (2011): Corallorhiza trifida. Zprávy České botanické společnosti 45: 80-81.
  • Grulich V. & Vydrová A. (2011): Symphytum tuberosum. Zprávy České botanické společnosti 45: 147-148.
  • Hájek M., Horsák M., Tichý L., Hájková P., Dítě D. & Jamrichová E. (2011): Testing a relict distributional pattern of fen plant and terrestrial snail species at the Holocene scale: a null model approach. Journal of Biogeography 38: 742-755.
  • Hájek M., Roleček J., Cottenie K., Kintrová K., Horsák M., Poulíčková A., Hájková P., Fránková M. & Dítě D. (2011): Environmental and spatial controls of biotic assemblages in a discrete semi-terrestrial habitat: comparison of organisms with different dispersal abilities sampled in the same plots. Journal of Biogeography 38: 1683-1693.
  • Hájková P., Bojková J., Fránková M., Opravilová V., Hájek M., Kintrová K. & Horsák M. (2011): Disentangling the effects of water chemistry and substratum structure on moss-dwelling unicellular and multicellular micro-organisms in spring-fens. Journal of Limnology 70 (Suppl. 1): 54-64.
  • Hájková P., Hájek M., Rybníček K., Jiroušek M., Tichý L., Králová Š. & Mikulášková E. (2011): Long-term vegetation changes in bogs exposed to high amospheric deposition, aerial liming and climate fluctuation. Journal of Vegetation Science 22: 891-904.
  • Hájková P., Roleček J., Hájek M., Horsák M., Fajmon K., Polák M. & Jamrichová E. (2011): Prehistoric origin of extremely species-rich semi-dry grasslands in the Bílé Karpaty Mts. Preslia 83: 185-204.
  • Herberstein M.E., Schneider J.M., Harmer A.M.T., Gaskett A.C., Robinson K., Shaddick K., Soetkamp D., Wilson P.D., Pekár S. & Elgar M.A. (2011): Sperm storage and copulation duration in a sexually cannibalistic spider. Journal of Ethology 29: 9-15.
  • Hettenbergerová E. & Hájek M. (2011): Is species richness of small spring fens influenced by the spatial mass effect? Community Ecology 12: 202-209.
  • Hodová I., Sonnek E. & Valigurová A. (2011): Body architecture of the parasitic worm. Imaging & Microscopy 13: 46-48.
  • Horsák M. (2011): Mollusc assemblages in palaeoecological reconstructions: an investigation of their predictive power using transfer function models. Boreas 40: 459-467.
  • Horsák M. & Hájek M. (2011): Trpasličí plži na slatiništích - proč je dobré být malý. Vesmír 90: 492-495.
  • Horsák M., Hájek M., Hájková P., Cameron R., Cernohorsky N. & Apostolova I. (2011): Mollusc communities in Bulgarian fens: predictive power of the environment, vegetation, and spatial structure in an isolated habitat. Naturwissenschaften 98: 671-681.
  • Horsák M., Škodová J. & Cernohorsky N.H. (2011): Ecological and historical determinants of Western Carpathian populations of Pupilla alpicola (Charpentier, 1837) in relation to its present range and conservation. Journal of Molluscan Studies 77: 248-254.
  • Chytrý M., Chiarucci A., Pärtel M. & Wilson J.B. (2011): Journal development, vegetation survey and the restoration of invaded ecosystems. Applied Vegetation Science 14: 1-5 [Editorial]. - fulltext in Wiley Online Library
  • Chytrý M., Schaminée J.H.J. & Schwabe A. (2011): Vegetation survey: a new focus for Applied Vegetation Science. Applied Vegetation Science 14: 435-439. - fulltext in Wiley Online Library
  • Chytrý M., Šumberová K., Hájková P., Hájek M., Hroudová Z., Navrátilová J., Čtvrtlíková M., Sádlo J., Lososová Z., Hrivnák R., Rydlo J., Oťaheľová H., Bauer P., Hanáková P., Ekrt L., Ekrtová E., Michalcová D., Žáková K., Danihelka J., Králová Š., Karimová K., Tichý L., Hájek O. & Kočí M. (2011): Vegetace České republiky 3. Vodní a mokřadní vegetace. Praha : Academia. 827 pp. - book in pdf
  • Janová E., Heroldová M., Konečný A. & Bryja J. (2011): Traditional and diversified crops in South Moravia (Czech Republic): Habitat preferences of common vole and mice species. Mammalian Biology 76: 570-576. - fulltext on ScienceDirect
  • Jansen F., Dengler J., Glöckler F., Chytrý M., Ewald J., Oldeland J. & Schaminée J.H.J. (2011): Die mitteleuropäischen Datenbanken im Global Index of Vegetation-Plot Databases (GIVD). Tuexenia 31: 351-367. - fulltext pdf file
  • Jiroušek M., Hájek M. & Bragazza L. (2011): Nutrient stoichiometry in Sphagnum along a nitrogen deposition gradient in highly polluted region of Central-East Europe. Environmental Pollution 159: 585-590.
  • Kaplan Z., Štech M., Grulich V., Leugnerová G. & Pivoňková L. (2011): Utricularia bremii. Zprávy České botanické společnosti 45: 154-156.
  • Konvička O., Malenovský I., Kment P. & Žmolík M. (2011): The natural history of the Bílé Karpaty Protected Landscape Area and Biosphere Reserve (Czech Republic). Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae Biologicae 96: 7-35.
  • Korenko S., Kula E., Šimon E., Michalková V. & Pekár S. (2011): Are arboreal spiders associated with particular tree canopies? North-Western Journal of Zoology 7: 261-269.
  • Korenko S., Michalková V., Zwakhals K. & Pekár S. (2011): Host specificity and temporal and seasonal shifts in host preference of a web-spider parasitoid Zatypota percontatoria. Journal of Insect Science 11: Article 101.
  • Korenko S. & Pekár S. (2011): A parasitoid wasp induces overwintering behaviour in its spider host. PLoS ONE 6: e24628.
  • Košková E.,Špakulová M., Koubková B., Reblánová M. & Orosová M. (2011): Comparative karyological analysis of four diplozoid species (Monogenea, Diplozoidae), gill parasites of cyprinid fishes. Parasitology Research 108: 935-941.
  • Křoupalová V., Bojková J., Schenková J., Pařil P. & Horsák M. (2011): Small-scale distribution of aquatic macroinvertebrates in two spring fens with different groundwater chemistry. International Review of Hydrobiology 96: 235-256.
  • Kučera J., Kubešová S. & Plášek V. (2011): Nová bryologická literatura XXV. Bryonora 48: 75-84.
  • Kühn I., Kowarik I., Kollmann J., Starfinger U., Bacher S., Blackburn T.M., Bustamante R.O., Celesti-Grapow L., Chytrý M., Colautti R.I., Essl F., Foxcroft L.C., García-Berthou E., Gollasch S., Hierro J., Hufbauer R.A., Hulme P.E., Jarošík V., Jeschke J.M., Karrer G., Mack R.N., Molofsky J., Murray B.R., Nentwig W., Osborne B., Pyšek P., Rabitsch W., Rejmánek M., Roques A., Shaw R., Sol D., van Kleunen M., Vilà M., von der Lippe M., Wolfe L.M. & Penev L. (2011): Open minded and open access: introducing NeoBiota, a new peer-reviewed journal of biological invasions. NeoBiota 9: 1-12.
  • Láníková D. (2011): Zvěšinec, dymnivka a další cizokrajní (d)obyvatelé zdí v České republice. Živa 2: 64-65.
  • Lauterer P., Malenovský I. & Špryňar P. (2011): Invasion of the treehopper Stictocephala bisonia (Hemiptera: Cicadomorpha: Membracidae) into the Czech Republic: current distribution and first records from Bohemia. Klapalekiana 47: 67-73.
  • Lengyel A., Chytrý M. & Tichý L. (2011): Heterogeneity-constrained random resampling of phytosociological databases. Journal of Vegetation Science 22: 175-183. - fulltext in Wiley Online Library
  • Lososová Z., Horsák M., Chytrý M., Čejka T., Danihelka J., Fajmon K., Hájek O., Juřičková L., Kintrová K., Láníková D., Otýpková Z., Řehořek V. & Tichý L. (2011): Diversity of Central European urban biota: effects of human-made habitat types on plants and land snails. Journal of Biogeography 38: 1152-1163. - fulltext in Wiley Online Library
  • Lososová Z., Kolářová M., Tyšer L. & Lvončík S. (2011): Organic, integrated and conventional management in apple orchards: effect on plant species composition, richness and diversity. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis 59: 151-158.
  • Malenovský I., Baňař P. & Kment P. (2011): A contribution to the faunistics of the Hemiptera (Cicadomorpha, Fulgoromorpha, Heteroptera, and Psylloidea) associated with dry grassland sites in southern Moravia (Czech Republic). Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae Biologicae 96: 41-187.
  • Malenovský I. & Dušanka J.-P. (2011): A revised description of Psyllopsis repens Loginova, 1963 (Hemiptera: Psylloidea: Psyllidae), with first records from Europe Archives of Biological Sciences 63: 275-286.
  • Malenovský I., Kment P. & Konvička O. (2011): Biodiversity of the invertebrates in the Bílé Karpaty Protected Landscape Area and Biosphere Reserve (Czech Republic) ? the current state of knowledge. Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae Biologicae 96: 897-933.
  • Malenovský I. & Lauterer P. (2011): Jumping plant-lice (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) of the Bílé Karpaty Protected Landscape Area and Biosphere Reserve (Czech Republic). Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae Biologicae 96: 105-154.
  • Malenovský I. & Lauterer P. (2011): Leafhoppers and planthoppers (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) of the Bílé Karpaty Protected Landscape Area and Biosphere Reserve (Czech Republic). Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae Biologicae 96: 155-322.
  • Marino P., Tóthová A. & Spinelli G. (2011): Two new Patagonian species of Atrichopogon (Meloehelea) (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Zootaxa 2777: 61-68.
  • Mason F. & Rozkošný R. (2011): A review of the Oriental and Australasian Ptilocera species (Diptera: Stratiomyidae). Zootaxa 3007: 1-49.
  • Mašová Š., Baruš V. & Moravec F. (2011): New morphological data on the first-stage larvae of two Procamallanus species (nematoda: camallanidae) based on SEM studies. Folia Parasitologica 56: 318-321.
  • Michalcová D., Gilbert J.C., Lawson C.S., Gowing D.J.G. & Marrs R.H. (2011): The combined effect of waterlogging, extractable P and soil pH on α-diversity: a case study on mesotrophic grasslands in the UK. Plant Ecology 212: 879-888. - fulltext on SpringerLink
  • Michalcová D., Lvončík S., Chytrý M. & Hájek O. (2011): Bias in vegetation databases? A comparison of stratified-random and preferential sampling. Journal of Vegetation Science 22: 281-291. - fulltext in Wiley Online Library
  • Muráriková N., Vaňhara J., Tóthová A. & Havel J. (2011): Polyphasic approach applying Artificial Neural Networks, molecular analysis and postabdomen morphology to West Palaearctic Tachina spp. (Diptera, Tachinidae). Bulletin of Entomological Research 101: 165-175.
  • Musilová N., Řehulková E. & Gelnar M. (2011): Nanotrema niokoloensis sp. nov. and a redescription of N. citharini Paperna, 1969 (Monogenea, Dactylogyridae) from the gills of Citharinus citharus citharus (Characiformes, Citharinidae) from Senegal. Acta Parasitologica 56:14-19.
  • Myšák J. & Horsák M. (2011): Floodplain corridor and slope effects on land mollusc distribution patterns in a riverine valley. Acta Oecologica - International Journal of Ecology 37: 146-154.
  • Nedvěd O., Pekár S., Bezděčka P., Líznarová E., Řezáč M., Schmitt M. & Sentenská L. (2011): Ecology of Arachnida alien to Europe. BioControl 56: 539-550.
  • Němec R., Lososová Z., Dřevojan P. & Žáková K. (2011): Synanthropic vegetation of the Eragrostion cilianensi-minoris alliance in the Czech Republic. Biologia 66: 1019-1026.
  • Ondračková M., Dávidová M., Přikrylová I. & Pečínková M. (2011): Monogenean parasites of introduced pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus (Centrarchidae) in the Danube River Basin. Journal of Helminthology 85: 435-441.
  • Ondrová V., Novotný I., Hájek M., Fuksová J., Fajmon K. & Hettenbergerová E. (2011): Mechorosty a cévnaté rostliny mokřadní lokality Kolo na předních loukách v Bílých Karpatech. Acta Carpathica Occidentalis 2: 11-22.
  • Otýpková Z., Chytrý M., Tichý L., Pechanec V., Jongepier J.W. & Hájek O. (2011): Floristic diversity patterns in the White Carpathians Biosphere Reserve, Czech Republic. Biologia 66: 266-274. - fulltext on SpringerLink
  • Pekár S., Cardoso P., Barriga J.C. & Carvalho J.C. (2011): Update to the zodariid spider fauna of the Iberian Peninsula and Madeira (Araneae: Zodariidae). Zootaxa 2814: 19-32.
  • Pekár S. & Haddad C.R. (2011): Trophic strategy of ant-eating Mexcala elegans (Araneae: Salticidae): Looking for evidence of evolution of prey-specialization. Journal of Arachnology 39: 133-138.
  • Pekár S. & Jarab M. (2011): Assessment of color and behavioral resemblance to models by inaccurate myrmecomorphic spiders (Araneae). Invertebrate Biology 130: 83-90.
  • Pekár S. & Jarab M. (2011): Life-history constraints in inaccurate Batesian myrmecomorphic spiders (Araneae: Corinnidae, Gnaphosidae). European Journal of Entomology 108: 255-260.
  • Pekár S., Jarab M., Fromhage L. & Herberstein M.E. (2011): Is the evolution of innacurate mimicry a result of selection by a suit of predators? A case study using myrmecomorphic spiders. American Naturalist 178: 124-134.
  • Pekár S. & Jiroš P. (2011): Do ant-mimics imitate cuticular hydrocarbons of their models? Animal Behaviour 82: 1193-1199.
  • Pekár S., Martišová M. & Bilde T. (2011): Intersexual trophic niche partitioning in an ant-eating spider (Araneae: Zodariidae). PLoS ONE 6: e14603.
  • Pekár S., Šobotník J. & Lubin Y. (2011): Armoured spiderman: morphological and behavioural adaptations of a specialised araneophagous predator (Araneae: Palpimanidae). Naturwissenschaften 98: 593-603.
  • Petráková L. & Schlaghamerský J. (2011): Interactions between Liometopum microcephalum (Formicidae) and other dominant ant species of sympatric occurrence. Community Ecology 12: 9-17.
  • Pyšek P., Jarošík V., Chytrý M., Danihelka J., Kühn I., Pergl J., Tichý L., Biesmeijer J., Ellis W., Kunin W. & Settele J. (2011): Successful invaders co-opt pollinators of native flora and accumulate insect pollinators with increasing residence time. Ecological Monographs 81: 277-293. - fulltext on ESA website
  • Roggenbuck H., Pekár S. & Schneider J.M. (2011): Sexual cannibalism in the European garden spider Araneus diadematus: the roles of female hunger and mate size dimorphism. Animal Behaviour 81: 749-755.
  • Rohlenová K., Morand S., Hyršl P., Tolárová S., Flajšhans M. & Šimková A. (2011): Are fish immune systems really affected by parasites? An immunoecological study of common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Parasites & Vectors 4: 120.
  • Roleček J. (2011): A record of Juncus sphaerocarpus from dry grasslands near Rokytná (Moravia, Czech Republic). Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae Biologicae 96: 199-204.
  • Roleček J. (2011): Šipákové doubravy na Vysočině. Acta Rerum Naturalium 10: 11-18.
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