Internal Documents
Calendar of fieldwork, defences and state examinations at UBZ
Reservation of department cars
Measures of the Head of the Department to order using of VW Transporter, Mercedes Vito, Skoda Fabia and VW Caddy: Appointments can only be made by phone, email or in person with the secretary of the UBZ, Mrs. Věra Slezáková (549491439,
Here you can find dates in which the department cars are reserved:
VW Transporter red 2BE 5265 |
VW Transporter blue 1BI 9380 |
Mercedes Vito 5B0 8981 |
Škoda Fabia 3B6 0460 |
VW Caddy 3BB 1152 |
<< January FEBRUARY / 2025 March >> | ||||||
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 (c) Němejc(c) Němej | 8 | 9 | 10 (u) Němejc(u) Němej | 11 (u) Němejc(u) Němej | 12 (u) Němejc(u) Němej | 13 (u) Němejc(u) Němej | 14 (u) Němejc(u) Němej | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 |
Reservation and use of teaching rooms
Booking of our teaching rooms is possible via IS. You can reserve following teaching rooms:
- D31-238 = Vertebratology collections
- D32-329 = Seminar room
- D36-223 = Zoological practice room
- D36-225 = Botanical practice room
Each employee of the department has the possibility to do so in the personal administration of the IS under the tab Timetable - Room Reservation. There, in the list of rooms, you tick the one you are interested in, mark the date at the bottom (you can also mark several days at once - click and hold CTRL) and click on "Make a reservation". In the next window you can then mark which hours you are interested in.
Important: in the line describing the reservation (event description), write for whom and for which class (or other activity) you are reserving the room (important if there are more than one person interested in the same room and time).
In the same app, you can also edit and cancel your own reservations.
Activated reservations are displayed when you list the timetable of a specific room (in IS go to Timetable - Room Timetables - check "including the rooms reserved by me"). It is also possible to search for classrooms available at a specific date and time, in the Timetable - Find available room.
Reporting presence in the UKB outside office hours
Report your presence at the workplace outside office hours here