About | Collectors | Curators | Numbers of specimens | Visits and loans
Visits and loans
The herbarium is permanently open to scientists and students, generally from 9 to 17 hours. However, the collection is stepwise desinsected, and therefore some genera and families may be inaccessible for two or three weeks. Therefore we strongly encourage all visitors to contact the curator (Jiří Danihelka) in advance.
Request for loans should be addressed to the curator of the herbarium (Jiří Danihelka). Specimens other than types are sent on loan for a period of one year, with extensions possible upon written request to the curator. All borrowed specimens should be annotated, using a small label (determination slip).
Requests and questions concerning fungi may be addressed directly to curator of fungi (Daniel Dvořák).
Mailing address (different from the temporary address!):
Herbarium of the Department of Botany and Zoology
Faculty of Science, Masaryk University
Kotlářská 2
CZ-611 37 Brno
Czech Republic